The Facts About ADHD and Possible Health Concerns
ADHD is short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is a biological imbalance involving chemicals in the brain.
For this reason we tend to look at ADHD from a psychological perspective, losing sight of the fact that many of the secondary symptoms produced by this condition can be quite dangerous if allowed persist, making ADHD and health a silent backdrop to what is already a complicated condition.
Some of the more common secondary symptoms seen that can have a direct impact on ADHD and health are low self esteem, insomnia, hopelessness, frustration, depression, and high anxiety.
In essence it is not the biological origins that put the individual at risk it is the situations that occur from being a square peg in the round hole of life that leads to underachievement and social inadequacies that ultimately produce concerns about ADHD and health.
There is good evidence to suggest that diffusing this ticking time bomb would be best accomplished through a combination of acceptance and encouraging self esteem.
Why don't we take a few minutes to explore these two avenues.
* Acceptance is not an easy thing.
Many parents insist that there is nothing wrong with their child, they simply need to try a little harder.
For the adult with ADHD his/her boss may want things done in a specific way that challenges the ADHD workers ability to conform.
Both of these examples place extreme stress on those struggling with this condition.
As a parent you should recognize that your child is different and mold their environment around them, much as potter molds clay.
As a boss allowing the ADHD personality to do it their way and only judging the final outcome would be a reasonable approach.
* Self esteem is perhaps the most dangerous of all he secondary symptoms.
It can contribute to both anxiety and depression which have both been linked to numerous medical concerns including atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
Most experts agree that the single most important thing you can do for any ADHD individual is to help them improve their self esteem.
With a strong belief in oneself many of the concerns involved with ADHD and health simply melt away.
Let's look at a few ideas as to how best to accomplish this.
Accentuate the positives: If you are the boss, teacher, or parent of an ADHD personality don't focus on the negatives.
To get them to give you their best they must feel good about themselves, and by accentuating the positives and downplaying the negatives you will likely will accomplish this.
Provide encouragement: Be a positive force in these individuals lives by throwing a few encouraging words there way, especially when things aren't going as planned.
Identify strengths: Every ADHD personality is unique.
They have different likes and dislikes.
You must learn what these are! By gaining a better understanding you will be able to assign projects, homework assignments, and tasks that appeal to them, thus allowing them to produce their best work, and alleviating unnecessary stress on everyone.
Be compassionate: Empathize with the difficulty your child or employee is having.
Let them know that you realize things are difficult and your door is always open.
ADHD and health is about removing obstacles, alleviating stress and anxiety, and reinforcing self esteem.
These are good steps for building a solid foundation that makes ADHD and health a small skirmish in an otherwise big battle.
Additionally, another tool that many are using effectively in the battle against ADHD and health concerns are natural homeopathic remedies.
This type of safe and effective non prescription approach can help remove many of the roadblocks that the ADHD personality faces and are certainly an additional step worth considering.
For this reason we tend to look at ADHD from a psychological perspective, losing sight of the fact that many of the secondary symptoms produced by this condition can be quite dangerous if allowed persist, making ADHD and health a silent backdrop to what is already a complicated condition.
Some of the more common secondary symptoms seen that can have a direct impact on ADHD and health are low self esteem, insomnia, hopelessness, frustration, depression, and high anxiety.
In essence it is not the biological origins that put the individual at risk it is the situations that occur from being a square peg in the round hole of life that leads to underachievement and social inadequacies that ultimately produce concerns about ADHD and health.
There is good evidence to suggest that diffusing this ticking time bomb would be best accomplished through a combination of acceptance and encouraging self esteem.
Why don't we take a few minutes to explore these two avenues.
* Acceptance is not an easy thing.
Many parents insist that there is nothing wrong with their child, they simply need to try a little harder.
For the adult with ADHD his/her boss may want things done in a specific way that challenges the ADHD workers ability to conform.
Both of these examples place extreme stress on those struggling with this condition.
As a parent you should recognize that your child is different and mold their environment around them, much as potter molds clay.
As a boss allowing the ADHD personality to do it their way and only judging the final outcome would be a reasonable approach.
* Self esteem is perhaps the most dangerous of all he secondary symptoms.
It can contribute to both anxiety and depression which have both been linked to numerous medical concerns including atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
Most experts agree that the single most important thing you can do for any ADHD individual is to help them improve their self esteem.
With a strong belief in oneself many of the concerns involved with ADHD and health simply melt away.
Let's look at a few ideas as to how best to accomplish this.
Accentuate the positives: If you are the boss, teacher, or parent of an ADHD personality don't focus on the negatives.
To get them to give you their best they must feel good about themselves, and by accentuating the positives and downplaying the negatives you will likely will accomplish this.
Provide encouragement: Be a positive force in these individuals lives by throwing a few encouraging words there way, especially when things aren't going as planned.
Identify strengths: Every ADHD personality is unique.
They have different likes and dislikes.
You must learn what these are! By gaining a better understanding you will be able to assign projects, homework assignments, and tasks that appeal to them, thus allowing them to produce their best work, and alleviating unnecessary stress on everyone.
Be compassionate: Empathize with the difficulty your child or employee is having.
Let them know that you realize things are difficult and your door is always open.
ADHD and health is about removing obstacles, alleviating stress and anxiety, and reinforcing self esteem.
These are good steps for building a solid foundation that makes ADHD and health a small skirmish in an otherwise big battle.
Additionally, another tool that many are using effectively in the battle against ADHD and health concerns are natural homeopathic remedies.
This type of safe and effective non prescription approach can help remove many of the roadblocks that the ADHD personality faces and are certainly an additional step worth considering.