Ideas With Pastel Chalk

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    Pastel Chalk Basics

    • Pastel strokes differ according to the way you hold the piece of chalk. To trace thin lines, use the tip of the chalk, while side strokes cover large areas of your drawing. Vary the pressure you use when you apply the colors to obtain different effects and color intensities. Create transparencies by lightly coloring a surface and rubbing the area with your fingers or a piece of cloth. Apply light colors first, because they can be easily covered with darker shades should you want to correct the drawing. If you want to mix two colors to obtain a shade, apply the light color first and cover it with the darker one. Add a drip of water if working with water-based colors, or an oil solvent for oil pastels. The water or turpentine dissolves the colors and allows them to mix. After finishing the drawing, apply fixative or hairspray to protect your colors from smearing or scratches.

    Sgraffito Effect

    • Artists use a palette knife or a cutter to remove the colors from the drawing or correct mistakes. However, you can use these tools to obtain the sgrafitto effect. Apply pressure on your piece of chalk to get a thick layer of color. Use the tip of the palette knife or cutter to scratch different designs or patterns on your work. The color of the paper or canvas will show where you scratch the pastel colors, so you can color your working surface with a contrasting color to get intriguing effects.

    Watercolor Effects

    • When you think about watercolor effects, you don't typically associate them with pastel chalks. However, you can use this medium to create washed colors that look like watercolors. Color your paper or canvas with the desired shades, using the side of the chalk. If you are using water-based pastels, get a brush or a moist sponge to wet the paper, which will melt the colors. Spread the water with a paintbrush until obtaining the desired effects. If using oil-based pastels, use turpentine or an oil solvent instead of water.

    Mixed Media

    • Create mixed-media pieces incorporating pastel chalk in collages or paintings. In collages, apply the pastel colors after you glue on newspaper or magazine cutouts, pieces of fabric or other items. Use pastel colors that link to the rest of the composition. Combine pastel chalks with paints. Apply the paints first and cover them in pastel colors. Create glazes by dripping water or turpentine over the pastel colors, or scratch with a sharp pencil or palette knife to reveal portions of the paints you covered.

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