Christianity Is Rooted In Unity - One Spirit
The concept of the Holy Spirit is a challenge even for seasoned and avowed Christians (I Corinthians 2:14).
Deeper examination of Apostle Paul's advice shows that the Holy Spirit is more than an influence; it actually anchors the entire effort as uniting the Church.
Hence, it is important for one to validate the testimonies recounting its activities before one commits his/her hope for eternal life on this ghost.
When the Jews needed a way out of Egypt, the Red Sea parted as a physical manifestation in recorded history.
The claim is that the Holy Spirit intervened as the spiritual phenomenon that mediated the physical manifestation of the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-31).
This phenomenon remains an extraordinary even beyond human comprehension and reproduction.
The manner that Uzzah died while trying to rescue the Ark of the Covenant from falling off the animal carriers is another unexplained enigma (2 Samuel 6:6-7).
Elisha caused the drowning axe to float with the aid of a stick (2 Kings 6:4-7).
Peter and John healed the lame man by the Beautiful gate (Acts 3:1-8).
The healing was a spontaneous response to the disciples' pity.
It took place in public.
These incidents as well as many in recorded history are physical evidences of divine intervention in the affairs of men.
The Holy Ghost is the supernatural that executes these physical changes on behalf of God (Romans 8:27).
In order to please God, and keep the bond of peace in their communities, men need this same Holy Spirit (Romans 5:1).
Peter confidently exercised this power.
Therefore, even after the prophets, and after Jesus, the Holy Ghost power remains within human capability to acquire and to exercise (Mark 16:16-17).
In addition, there is a reason for the appellation of 'Holy' always attached to the name of the Holy Ghost or Spirit.
God calls himself 'holy'; therefore, the Spirit that emanates from God has to be holy.
This implies that unholy spirits exist.
In fact, we also interact with them constantly.
There are several warnings against such spirits, and their gods in the scriptures, all the way back to Moses (Deuteronomy 7).
The spirits work with individuals, and even groups large enough to be nations.
Even before Apostle Paul begins to give insights to the secret of Christ's Church in verse Ephesians 4:4, he describes the Holy Spirit as the key for the operation of the secret in verse three.
The apostle apparently knew that we might not give the Holy Spirit the degree of attention that it demands.
He quickly warns us that it a lot of effort, even to the extent of a struggle - a constant endeavor to keep up.
That way the jealous kingdom of Satan will not be able to snatch away our joy and peace because of our lackadaisical attitudes.
The modus operandi and/or the ultimate aim of the Holy Ghost appear to be to nurture love.
For true love to reign among Christians it stands to reason that, they will form a church - a group united by purpose or custom designed to please God.
After all, the scriptures describe God as the epitome of love.
Therefore, it is the Holy Spirit who can help us acquire godly love which we can extend to support our neighbors (Romans 5:5, John 14:16-17).
The Holy Spirit is the true guide to the wishes of the Father as we struggle in our communal efforts to keep the church united: However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.
All things that the Father has are Mine.
Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you (John 16:13-15).
Deeper examination of Apostle Paul's advice shows that the Holy Spirit is more than an influence; it actually anchors the entire effort as uniting the Church.
Hence, it is important for one to validate the testimonies recounting its activities before one commits his/her hope for eternal life on this ghost.
When the Jews needed a way out of Egypt, the Red Sea parted as a physical manifestation in recorded history.
The claim is that the Holy Spirit intervened as the spiritual phenomenon that mediated the physical manifestation of the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-31).
This phenomenon remains an extraordinary even beyond human comprehension and reproduction.
The manner that Uzzah died while trying to rescue the Ark of the Covenant from falling off the animal carriers is another unexplained enigma (2 Samuel 6:6-7).
Elisha caused the drowning axe to float with the aid of a stick (2 Kings 6:4-7).
Peter and John healed the lame man by the Beautiful gate (Acts 3:1-8).
The healing was a spontaneous response to the disciples' pity.
It took place in public.
These incidents as well as many in recorded history are physical evidences of divine intervention in the affairs of men.
The Holy Ghost is the supernatural that executes these physical changes on behalf of God (Romans 8:27).
In order to please God, and keep the bond of peace in their communities, men need this same Holy Spirit (Romans 5:1).
Peter confidently exercised this power.
Therefore, even after the prophets, and after Jesus, the Holy Ghost power remains within human capability to acquire and to exercise (Mark 16:16-17).
In addition, there is a reason for the appellation of 'Holy' always attached to the name of the Holy Ghost or Spirit.
God calls himself 'holy'; therefore, the Spirit that emanates from God has to be holy.
This implies that unholy spirits exist.
In fact, we also interact with them constantly.
There are several warnings against such spirits, and their gods in the scriptures, all the way back to Moses (Deuteronomy 7).
The spirits work with individuals, and even groups large enough to be nations.
Even before Apostle Paul begins to give insights to the secret of Christ's Church in verse Ephesians 4:4, he describes the Holy Spirit as the key for the operation of the secret in verse three.
The apostle apparently knew that we might not give the Holy Spirit the degree of attention that it demands.
He quickly warns us that it a lot of effort, even to the extent of a struggle - a constant endeavor to keep up.
That way the jealous kingdom of Satan will not be able to snatch away our joy and peace because of our lackadaisical attitudes.
The modus operandi and/or the ultimate aim of the Holy Ghost appear to be to nurture love.
For true love to reign among Christians it stands to reason that, they will form a church - a group united by purpose or custom designed to please God.
After all, the scriptures describe God as the epitome of love.
Therefore, it is the Holy Spirit who can help us acquire godly love which we can extend to support our neighbors (Romans 5:5, John 14:16-17).
The Holy Spirit is the true guide to the wishes of the Father as we struggle in our communal efforts to keep the church united: However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.
All things that the Father has are Mine.
Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you (John 16:13-15).