Are You a Sun Enterprise Architect? Then Choose 310-053
The exam is suitable for candidates who have a work experience of greater than 5 years in application design, concepts and also principles.
The candidate must have strong fundamentals about architecture, integration of components and also messaging between the components.
There are also upgrade exams which are available for candidates who have passed the earlier versions of the test.
Candidates would be able to buy the exam in website and this could be used only in India.
If you reside outside India, then you will have to enquire about the products available in your country.
Once you buy the exam vouchers it is necessary to use them within one year from the date of purchase.
If you fail to use the voucher within one year, then it would get expired.
These vouchers could only be used at authorized prometric testing centers in the country where you and purchased the coupon.
These exam vouchers are non-refundable; hence you will have to plan well before buying the voucher.
An important pre-requisite of this test is that you must pass the CX-310-051/CX-310-300A; CX-310-052.
There isn't any need to pass any other external exam other than the prescribed ones.
The exam is of multiple choice type with drag and drop option.
The total number of questions in the 310-053 exam is around 48 and the pass score is 70%.
This would require you to answer at least 29 out of 499 questions.
The exam duration is around 120 minutes.
The candidates can refer to the exam objectives listed in the website in order to better understand about the questions asked in the 310-053 exam.