Video: Kendo Fighting Styles
Video Transcript
My name is Robert Weeks, I'm a mixed martial artist. Today, I'm at Main Event Sports Club. I'm gonna be showing you Kendo fighting styles. A defensive form I'm gonna be showing you in Kendo today is called Okuri Ashi. This is a gesture that allows you to parry an opponents blow and also score at the same time. The reason for the practice sword is so I can actually strike the opponent without actually hurting him. As the opponent goes to make an assault towards me I'm gonna parry his assault by making a movement to my left, in this case I'm gonna be making a movement to my left with my left foot leading. I'm gonna then put my training sword at a 45 degree angle behind my head. I'm, that is my attacking gesture. What I'm then gonna do is I'm then gonna attack his wrist with the tip of my training sword. This will score me a point and those are some Kendo fighting styles. See you next time.