How to Spray a Deck With Stain
- 1). Cover the area around the deck with plastic drop cloths. Use the drop cloths and masking tape to completely seal off the area around the deck. Using a sprayer to stain a deck involves a lot of over-spray. Move automobiles and anything else that you do not want stained.
- 2). Protect yourself by wearing a mask or respirator. The sprayer will send droplets of stain into the air, causing you to possibly breathe in the dangerous chemicals. In addition, wear eye goggles for protection.
- 3). Load the deck stain into the airless sprayer. Follow the manufacturer directions of sprayer and the stain. When using airless sprayers, choose a tip that creates an 8-inch fan width for the surface of the deck and a tip that creates a 4-inch fan width for the deck railings.
- 4). Coat the deck railings with the deck stain. Using the small tip that creates a 4-inch fan width, spray the railing until they are completely coated. Work from the top of the railings to the bottom of the railings. Smooth out imperfections in the finish with a paintbrush.
- 5). Generously apply the stain in small 3-foot square sections of the deck. Move the sprayer in a left to right motion. If you begin to get puddles of stain on the top of the deck you are applying the stain too heavily. Use the brush to smooth out drips or puddles immediately after spraying one section.
- 6). Let the stain dry per manufacturer directions. Remove the plastic drop cloths.