Why Is My Penis Small? Dealing With a Smaller Penis Size!
Penises come in different shapes and sizes.
Some guys are blessed with a bigger package and some men are very unfortunate and they have smaller penis size.
It is very easy for someone to say that size is not important, but in reality small penis size does affect an awful lot of men.
It is a big problem and dealing with it can be very hard indeed.
Penis size does give a lot of men insecurities, especially when it comes to sex and women.
Whether or not these fears are legitimate or not, is not really the main issue.
The mind is very powerful and if you have negative thoughts in your mind, then it affects you negatively.
Some say that if your penis works, then you should have no problems with it.
"Why is my penis small?" The size of your penis is largely determined by genetic lottery.
There has been a lot of cases when one brother has a small penis and another one has a big penis.
Some men get lucky and some just don't.
Self-image and self-confidence is very important for both women and men.
If a woman is overweight and has a lot of unwanted fat, then she is more likely to feel insecure about herself.
Of course there are overweight women, who don't have an issue with it.
Then again, a woman that is in great shape and constantly gets compliments from men, is much more likely to feel confident.
It is very natural and even very small things can greatly reduce a persons self-esteem, like acne for example.
The penis is a key element of a man's self-image.
When you know that you are above average in terms of size, then you feel much more confident.
When you are always able to give your partner pleasure, then you feel confident.
But if a man has some doubts and asks, Why is may penis small? Then getting rid of that doubt is very hard.
There are a lot of men, who want to increase their penis size, even though they have perfectly average or even above average penis size.
It is said that about 45% of men want a bigger penis.
Men worry about their erection quality as well and they worry about how their penis looks.
Why? Because it all comes down to self-esteem and self-image.
How do you deal with a smaller penis size? Doctors can say what ever they want about the penis.
They can tell guys that an average and below average penis, is more than enough to satisfy a woman.
Doctors say that men make a much bigger issue out of it, then it really is, which is true in most cases.
But how does that help guys? Knowing that you are average or even above average, does not make men feel any better and it does not change anything.
If a guy asks the question, "Why is my penis small?" Then the only way to help this guy, is to help him increase his penis.
This is the only solution that men are looking for.
It is possible to enlarge the penis with penile exercises, it is not really big news anymore.
It is very common for men to start enlarging their penis with penile exercises.
And if it helps men increase their self-esteem, then it is all good.
Why should men be happy with what they have got? If you are naturally a very skinny person and you want to have more muscle, then is there something wrong with you for wanting that? No! If you want a bigger penis, then you can have it.
But if you will actually have it, depends on you.