Upper East Side Braces - Causes of the Dental Abscesses!
3 types of dental abscess:
Gingival abscess – This abscess affects only the gum tissue and does not affect the tooth or the periodontal ligament.
Periodontal abscess - This abscess starts affects the supporting bone tissue structures of the teeth.
Periapical abscess - This abscess affects the soft pulp of the tooth.
Causes of a dental abscess:
A dental abscess is the complication of a dental infection. The bacteria present in plaque is responsible for the infection.
Periapical abscess
The Bacteria enters the teeth through some tiny holes caused by the tooth decay. They form the cavities which break down the softer layer of tissue under the enamel called dentine. The decay progresses to form a hole which eventually penetrate into the soft inner pulp to form a pulpitis. As the pulpit progresses, the bacteria make their way to the bone that surrounds and supports the tooth and a Periapical abscess is formed.
Periodontal abscess
The bacteria present in the plaque infects easily the gums of the patient and is called as periodontics. The gums become inflamed, which can separate the periodontal ligament from the base of the teeth. The use of antibiotics for untreated periodontics,can also cause the periodontal abscess.
Signs and symptoms of a dental abscess
The Signs and symptoms of the dental abscess are,
Pain is the main symptom. This may be a throbbing pain, and is often intense. The pain will be more severe and becomes more intense over the subsequent hours or days. Even the pain may radiate to the ear, jawbone and neck.
The treatment for a dental abscess
The dentist can only treat a dental abscess effectively . The Treatment involves typical dental procedures, and some occasional surgeries too.
* Incision
*Treating a Periapical abscess
*Treating a periodontal abscess
*Surgery for dental abscesses
A dental abscess requires the correct treatment, otherwise it can be more worsen and destruct the entire bone tissue.