Rotating Food in Candida Diet to Prevent Allergy - What to Do With Plain Yogurt
I am not sure that applies to everyone though.
You know you can take some things in this diet a little too far.
I think you have to gamble a little with some things unless your body tells you otherwise.
The tomato thing worries me.
Some diets say you can eat them and others say not to.
I crave them if I don't have them and I have trouble cooking without them.
So, I am probably allergic to them except they didn't come up on the blood allergy test for foods I had a couple of years ago.
For your information, if you crave a food, you are usually allergic to it.
Does everyone realize when you buy yogurt you should only buy the kind with raw cultures (not Dannon or Yoplait)? The regular supermarkets (in the US) are finally starting to carry the good kind.
Here is what you can do with plain yogurt.
First off, try to find one that has live active cultures in it.
From there you have choices; you can add a bit of stevia, cinnamon, and vanilla.
Mix it in with peanut butter or even better, almond butter.
You can use it like you would sour cream.
I am sure you will hear lots of other ideas, but that is how I use it.
Now and then, you end up with regular fruit flavored yogurt and it tastes so sweet and fake.
Better to add your own fruit to it.