Time to Wake Up!
In the same paragraph we learn that we simply can't allow that and will risk nuclear war because, because after all, we get 1/5 of our oil from that area! We get 1/5 of our oil requirements not just from Iran but from the entire Near East.
Well, my next question would be: where do we got the remaining 4/5ths of our oil? And if we only get 1/5th from the Near East and we have to spend trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives to secure that area, then why don't we simply cut that 1/5 loose and up production a little in the areas that supply the 4/5ths? Tell me that our current oil fiasco isn't like our recent tendency to outsource all possible American jobs simply in order to make a higher profit.
Could it be that we could probably supply our own oil needs by simply using the reserves in our country (including Alaska) and Canada? And how is it that the major oil companies feel justified in raising the price of almost $4 a gallon gas simply because of rhetoric from Iran? Did we not just read at the end of the year that the oil companies have made more pure profit this last year than at any time in history.
Are their billions of dollars in excess profit simply not enough? And more importantly, why is it that Congress allows these huge (too big to fail) companies to simply mug the American populace like a gang of thugs, to the point where the economy at large and the American Middle class specifically is in serious danger of utter collapse.
It isn't because American businessmen can't make a profit, but more, to the American businessman a profit (no matter how huge), is never enough.
"Greed is good," is not only a line in a famous American movie, it is the epitaph that will eventually be inscribed upon the historical American tombstone.
Let's wake up people! We have an election approaching and Congress can't seem to agree on the time of day.
Maybe in the final analysis it's true: we get the government we deserve.
We have allowed ourselves to become so utterly distracted by "toys" (should I make a list?) that we no longer give a thought to reality.
Like children with some sort of exotic learning disability we "trust" that Mom and Dad will take care of everything.
Well guess what people? We live in a very dysfunctional family and Mom is out shopping on Xanax and Dad is out robbing a gas station and looking to get laid.
Let's wake up!