How to Clean Animal Vomit Out of a Carpet
- 1). Scrape up any solid vomit matter with the plastic spatula. To avoid spreading the stain, start scraping the vomit from the edges and work towards its center. Place the vomit matter in the garbage bag and dispose of it.
- 2). Blot the stain gently with a white cloth or paper towel to remove excess liquid.
- 3). Pour 1/2 cup of cool water onto the affected carpet area and allow it to stand for five minutes. It is best not to soak the stain with a lot of water.
- 4). Sprinkle 1/2 cup of baking soda over the vomit stain, let the area dry and then vacuum it. Reapply the baking soda and vacuum again. Baking soda can remove the smell of vomit from the carpet.
- 5). Combine two to three drops of dish detergent with 1 cup of warm water in the plastic container and pour it onto the vomit stain. Begin to blot the area with some paper towels or a cloth.
- 6). Rinse out the detergent residue with clean water. Use more paper towels to blot the affected area dry.