Causes of Premature Ejaculation - Discover the 5 Major Causes of Premature Ejaculation
Unfortunately in a lot of cases this issue can be compounded into a much larger psychological problem.
It is a terribly embarrassing situation to deal with and can be tricky to rid yourself of.
In most cases there is nothing physically wrong with the person having this problem and the root can usually be traced back to 5 major things.
Lets examine the causes of premature ejaculation below.
Genetics - The fact is that the human body is built to use sex as a method for reproduction only and is programmed to carry out this task as efficiently as it possibly can.
So it is only natural for your body to reach climax quickly.
Masturbation - Well there is no secret here.
It is very common for young males especially in there teen years to spend a little time in front of Dad's playboy collection.
The problem is this teaches the body to focus on the wrong things and is one of the major causes of premature ejaculation.
Intensity - For some the stimulation of sex is just too much.
It feels like you have absolutely no control over it.
This area is greatly influenced mentally.
Lack Of Body Knowledge - The truth is the majority of men have little to no idea how or why the ejaculatory process works and this can lead to encouraging Premature Ejaculation without even knowing.
However once you can figure out how the process works things will slow down dramatically and you can get the results you desire.
Sensitivity - Everyone is different and the sensitivity levels of each individual are completely different.
If you feel overwhelmed or out of control at the touch then its probably because you are just highly sensitive.
This is not a bad thing and with the right knowledge can turn into an advantage.