CAUTION! 2 Types of Psychic Medium Websites That Will Steal Your Money (Buyer Beware)
I've always had a love affair with the paranormal.
Even as a kid... while my friends were reading books about mystery, exotic travel and adventure or sports after school, I'd be sitting around reading the biography of a famous or controversial psychic or medium. It's not that I always believed they were real, either. Even at a young age, I was curious... but NOT convinced. (it wasn't until I had my own experiences later did I become a believer)
In my years and years as a psychic and paranormal publisher, I've written about, researched and explored hundreds (if not thousands) of psychic websites, blogs, videos, newsletters, forums and just about every type of community site you can imagine.
I've had plenty of incredible, life changing experiences along the way.
I've also had plenty of dubious, doubtful and disappointing experiences as well.
But there have been very few times where the experiences have been so bad that I've felt that someone had "almost" literally stolen my money.
As a general rule, even when a psychic, medium, astrologer or new age professional is not really all they are cracked up to be, they tend to be genuine people who mean well, and really BELIEVE they can do what they say they can.
(unfortunately, in many cases....they simply don't have the gifts they believe they do)
I don't count these folks as cheat, frauds or "thieves" at all, as their intentions are good, even if they're abilities aren't.
There are people who have neither psychic abilities, NOR good intentions.
These are the people who you NEED to avoid.
I'm going to share 2 types of psychic websites that tend to be a "honeypot" for these types of people, in the hope that pointing them out helps YOU avoid making some of the mistakes that so many others have made.
Curious? Let's take a quick (and controversial) look!
Filed Under: Psychic Spells, Hexes, Curses and Healers
Do I believe that some people have genuine psychic healing abilities? Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I believe that ALL of us do. However, there is no area that's more over-run with psychic scams than those who promise to be able to cast a magic spell to win back an ex... or to procure a potion to heal a sickness or aid an ailment. To me, as a true blue believer in the authentic power of psychic and energy healing and, the charlatans who offer quick fix solutions for a premium price point do nothing other than discredit the whole field. Plus, it's obviously a sneaky and sleazy exercise in taking advantage of some of the most vulnerable people who need HOPE, and help. (and that's what makes it so offensive when "fake psychics" steal both)
Filed Under: Absolutely FREE Psychic Reading Sites
These aren't so much about bad people as above, but are more about misleading marketing. The truth is, there is NO professional psychic who works for free. PERIOD. Any ad that suggests as much is only a thinly veiled ad designed to get you in the door... before some sort of "bait and switch" shoe is dropped that WILL cost you money.
Your absolute best bet if you are on a limited budget and still want low cost psychic advice? Step back and WAIT until you've put aside a few dollars and can afford to spend $10 or $20 on a legitimate reading. There ARE psychic networks and services that have very deeply discounted rates that are legitimate, and they are typically reserved for first time clients who want to "test" the service before spending any real money. You can often take advantage of these offers to save significantly over normally advertised prices.... but you are always going to have to pay something. (even if it's 5 or 10)
As a psychic researcher with over 1000 published articles myself, I have found that each and every time I've tried to get a reading for free (without special treatment) it's been a big disappointment, a costly experiment and more often than not, a big hassle to boot! (the only advantage I I can write about the experience thereafter!)
Even as a kid... while my friends were reading books about mystery, exotic travel and adventure or sports after school, I'd be sitting around reading the biography of a famous or controversial psychic or medium. It's not that I always believed they were real, either. Even at a young age, I was curious... but NOT convinced. (it wasn't until I had my own experiences later did I become a believer)
In my years and years as a psychic and paranormal publisher, I've written about, researched and explored hundreds (if not thousands) of psychic websites, blogs, videos, newsletters, forums and just about every type of community site you can imagine.
I've had plenty of incredible, life changing experiences along the way.
I've also had plenty of dubious, doubtful and disappointing experiences as well.
But there have been very few times where the experiences have been so bad that I've felt that someone had "almost" literally stolen my money.
As a general rule, even when a psychic, medium, astrologer or new age professional is not really all they are cracked up to be, they tend to be genuine people who mean well, and really BELIEVE they can do what they say they can.
(unfortunately, in many cases....they simply don't have the gifts they believe they do)
I don't count these folks as cheat, frauds or "thieves" at all, as their intentions are good, even if they're abilities aren't.
There are people who have neither psychic abilities, NOR good intentions.
These are the people who you NEED to avoid.
I'm going to share 2 types of psychic websites that tend to be a "honeypot" for these types of people, in the hope that pointing them out helps YOU avoid making some of the mistakes that so many others have made.
Curious? Let's take a quick (and controversial) look!
Filed Under: Psychic Spells, Hexes, Curses and Healers
Do I believe that some people have genuine psychic healing abilities? Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I believe that ALL of us do. However, there is no area that's more over-run with psychic scams than those who promise to be able to cast a magic spell to win back an ex... or to procure a potion to heal a sickness or aid an ailment. To me, as a true blue believer in the authentic power of psychic and energy healing and, the charlatans who offer quick fix solutions for a premium price point do nothing other than discredit the whole field. Plus, it's obviously a sneaky and sleazy exercise in taking advantage of some of the most vulnerable people who need HOPE, and help. (and that's what makes it so offensive when "fake psychics" steal both)
Filed Under: Absolutely FREE Psychic Reading Sites
These aren't so much about bad people as above, but are more about misleading marketing. The truth is, there is NO professional psychic who works for free. PERIOD. Any ad that suggests as much is only a thinly veiled ad designed to get you in the door... before some sort of "bait and switch" shoe is dropped that WILL cost you money.
Your absolute best bet if you are on a limited budget and still want low cost psychic advice? Step back and WAIT until you've put aside a few dollars and can afford to spend $10 or $20 on a legitimate reading. There ARE psychic networks and services that have very deeply discounted rates that are legitimate, and they are typically reserved for first time clients who want to "test" the service before spending any real money. You can often take advantage of these offers to save significantly over normally advertised prices.... but you are always going to have to pay something. (even if it's 5 or 10)
As a psychic researcher with over 1000 published articles myself, I have found that each and every time I've tried to get a reading for free (without special treatment) it's been a big disappointment, a costly experiment and more often than not, a big hassle to boot! (the only advantage I I can write about the experience thereafter!)