Dogs Should Never Be Beaten

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Dogs are not to be taken lightly.
By that I mean, don't think they don't hear what you are saying and sometimes they act like they know what you are thinking! A dog, any breed of dog, has the ability to think and to learn.
Of course just like humans, you have to start the training when they are young for it to be most effective.
Dogs that become attached to a single person or family, will do just about anything to demonstrate their love and devotion.
Now this is only partly true.
It is only partly true for dogs that were trained humanely and not whipped or beaten.
You have to treat a dog just like you would a child.
If you are the type of person that punishes his dog for a wrong doing, like peeing in the house, by whipping it or beating it, you are making a huge mistake.
You see there is a proper way to train a dog, just like there is a proper way to train a child.
There is not that much difference in theory, of training a dog or puppy, and a human child.
A dog, just like a human, will remember every time you lost your temper and gave a whipping or a beating.
Because of this, later on in its life, the dog can be unpredictable and have a tendency to turn on you or even fight back and be very vicious.
If you continue to abuse it, especially as a fully grown adult dog, that could be pretty scary if its a large dog.
Humans are the ones that need to be trained.
A dog will naturally befriend any human that treats it humanely and feeds it from birth.
It will protect and guard you, and can sense when someone near you is about to hurt you.
These are all natural traits that develop as the dog grows and matures.
If a person acquire's a puppy with the intention of keeping it, and caring for it as it grows, they have to have a non-aggressive mindset when it comes to punishing for wrong doing.
Instead of punishing a dog, use reverse psychology.
Make sure you reward it when it does the right thing, or whatever you are trying to teach it.
When it does wrong, no rewards.
A nice tasty, meaty doggy treat will work real well.
If you are potty training a puppy, the old trick of putting his nose in his feces, or down near it, same with urine, works.
When you put his nose near it, you are showing him the problem or identifying the problem.
Then move the feces to a spot in the yard and put his nose near it again so he knows the location.
This type of training is not considered abusive.
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