Becoming a Web Designer in Massachusetts
Web design career is something to consider for those who are innately creative and at the same time, tech savvy. It has become an emerging career in the United States and expected to grow in the next decades. Below is a checklist of requirements to become a web designer in Massachusetts.
Education According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, web design professionals have different educational backgrounds. Some web designers have bachelor's degree in computer science, while others have associate degree in information science or programming. There are colleges and universities in the U.S. that offers degree in web design which include courses on English, networks and server structures, fundamentals of web design, design concepts, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash.
Certification Although not required, certifications can give web designers an edge when they apply. Those with complete or limited education can apply for certification offered by product vendors and computer associations and authorities. These certifications can be obtained by completing a program of a specific area in web development such as web programming, web graphics and multimedia.
Skills There are two types of skill you need to have in order to become a successful web designer. First is computer skill which can be learned through education and training. The other type is the additional skills such as critical thinking, active learning skills, and communication skills that cannot be taught in a classroom setting. Use these skills to be able to contribute well to web development Massachusetts companies employ.
Portfolio Aside from resume and proposal, portfolio is a must-have for most web designers Massachusetts companies look for. Whether you are a freelancer or working for full-time, clients will expect to see your portfolio which includes all your previous work. Keep in mind that your portfolio should be tailored to the type of job you want to apply for. For instance, if the company has websites that uses WordPress, your portfolio should include customized WordPress themes.
Experience Some people say that when entering a career in web design, experience is more important in education. This could be true as employers tend to look at what you can do for them more than what you have learned in the past. In choosing web designers Massachusetts companies would rather hire those who are undereducated but have more experience.
Education According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, web design professionals have different educational backgrounds. Some web designers have bachelor's degree in computer science, while others have associate degree in information science or programming. There are colleges and universities in the U.S. that offers degree in web design which include courses on English, networks and server structures, fundamentals of web design, design concepts, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash.
Certification Although not required, certifications can give web designers an edge when they apply. Those with complete or limited education can apply for certification offered by product vendors and computer associations and authorities. These certifications can be obtained by completing a program of a specific area in web development such as web programming, web graphics and multimedia.
Skills There are two types of skill you need to have in order to become a successful web designer. First is computer skill which can be learned through education and training. The other type is the additional skills such as critical thinking, active learning skills, and communication skills that cannot be taught in a classroom setting. Use these skills to be able to contribute well to web development Massachusetts companies employ.
Portfolio Aside from resume and proposal, portfolio is a must-have for most web designers Massachusetts companies look for. Whether you are a freelancer or working for full-time, clients will expect to see your portfolio which includes all your previous work. Keep in mind that your portfolio should be tailored to the type of job you want to apply for. For instance, if the company has websites that uses WordPress, your portfolio should include customized WordPress themes.
Experience Some people say that when entering a career in web design, experience is more important in education. This could be true as employers tend to look at what you can do for them more than what you have learned in the past. In choosing web designers Massachusetts companies would rather hire those who are undereducated but have more experience.