Increase Blood Flow to the Penis Naturally - Best Herbs For Harder Erections!
Let's take a look at the herbs, how they work and the other sexual and general health benefits they will give you...
If you want any erection at all, nitric oxide must be secreted in the blood vessels which feed the penis with blood and the reason for this is - nitric oxide, widens and expands the blood vessels so they can carry more blood into the penis to swell it in size.
Nitric oxide declines with age but you can top it up with a proven combination of herbs and the best three are - Ginseng Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium.
They work just like man made drugs but of course there are no side effects and they also have other sexual health benefits.
Horny Goat Weed and Ginseng are both known to stimulate production of the human growth hormone testosterone which is needed for libido and sexual stamina, as well as all round wellness.
Both Horny Goat Weed and Ginseng, act as mind tonics, reducing stress and anxiety, so your mind is clear, body energy is increased and you can focus on sex.
Cnidium is a herb which nourishes the blood and helps to increase blood flow to all areas of the body including the area at the base of the penis, so there is enough blood to be let in when nitric oxide secretion begins.
The above herbs can be found in all the best herbal sex pills for men and they will be combined with others which will help you increase blood flow to the penis naturally - just like nature intended with no potential dangerous side effects.