The Stumbling Block of the Old Testament
Isaiah 57:14 asks that the way be prepared and the stumbling-block be taken out of the way.
It relates to the return of the Spirit and the overthrow of Constantine's religion and his invented Saviour, Jesus Christ.
These things have blinded people to reality and have removed the truth so that most are in the dark about whom or what is God.
That is the barrier to the Spirit.
Verse 13 predicts that the 'wind' created by the deception will take people and carry them away like a tornado.
The meaning behind these words is that those who are not spiritual will be caught up with the idols and images and will not recognise the truth when it is told to them.
On the other hand those who see through and trust their inner voice will love on to inherit the earth.
It also speaks of God's holy mountain and that was promised for the end of days.
It is where we are at now as the world sinks deeper into decline and overpopulation stretched resources to the limit.
There is a reason for why this is the case as everyone who ever lived is now back in their bodies and are being judged according to their beliefs and practices.
The mountain spoken of is Mount Zion and it represents the truth that was kept back until now.
That is the new teaching and it is going forth through the Internet to undo the lies of Constantine and to allow the Spirit of the Old Testament to be seen by its people.
It is promised that it will be delivered by a woman.
She is called the Daughter of Zion.
It relates to the return of the Spirit and the overthrow of Constantine's religion and his invented Saviour, Jesus Christ.
These things have blinded people to reality and have removed the truth so that most are in the dark about whom or what is God.
That is the barrier to the Spirit.
Verse 13 predicts that the 'wind' created by the deception will take people and carry them away like a tornado.
The meaning behind these words is that those who are not spiritual will be caught up with the idols and images and will not recognise the truth when it is told to them.
On the other hand those who see through and trust their inner voice will love on to inherit the earth.
It also speaks of God's holy mountain and that was promised for the end of days.
It is where we are at now as the world sinks deeper into decline and overpopulation stretched resources to the limit.
There is a reason for why this is the case as everyone who ever lived is now back in their bodies and are being judged according to their beliefs and practices.
The mountain spoken of is Mount Zion and it represents the truth that was kept back until now.
That is the new teaching and it is going forth through the Internet to undo the lies of Constantine and to allow the Spirit of the Old Testament to be seen by its people.
It is promised that it will be delivered by a woman.
She is called the Daughter of Zion.