Do it Yourself Instructions on Installing Vinyl Siding
- 1). Check with local regulators to discuss the building code requirements for your type of vinyl siding. Clarify and complete the exact work you need to do to comply with the building code as this may include removing prior siding, increasing a waterproof barrier and installing suitable backer material such as OSB sheathing, furring strips, or contoured foam.
- 2). Install flashing around doors and windows in accordance with your vinyl siding manufacturer's directions. Fasten flashing to inside and outside corners of the walls. Install flashing between transitional surfaces such as at the roof line.
- 3). Install corner posts to inside and outside corners leaving a 1/4-inch gap at the top for expansion. Install all accessory channels, such as J-channels and finishing trim, around doors, windows and at the roof line, according to your vinyl siding manufacturers guidelines. Snap a level chalk line at the lowest point you want the vinyl siding to end and continue the chalk line around the house.
- 4). Fasten a starter strip to the wall using the chalk line as a guide. Use rust-proof nails that penetrate 3/4 inch into a wooden wall substrate or 3/4 inch into a furring strip on a concrete wall, as recommended by the Vinyl Siding Institute. Leave the last 1/32 inch of nail shaft exposed from the starter strip and leave a 1/4-inch gap at all ends of the starter strips to compensate for expansion.
- 5). Push the base of the vinyl siding onto the starter strip to lock the siding into position. Fasten nails at 16-inch intervals centered in the nail slots at the top section of each vinyl siding panel. Leave 1/32-inch gap between the siding and the nail head in the same way as you did with the starter strip.
- 6). Fasten subsequent courses by pushing the base of the siding onto the locking feature on the previous course. Nail each course to the wall through the nail slots using the same method as you did in Step 5. Leave 1/4-inch gap between the siding edge and all J-channel and finishing trim internal surfaces.
- 7). Overlap all exposed vinyl-siding end panels by 1 inch and stagger the overlap joints from course to course. Cut vinyl siding to fit using tin snips, a power saw or a utility knife depending upon the vinyl siding manufacturer's recommendations.