Best Time to Work Out
One of the most brought up questions in the exercise world is "when is the best time to workout"? Now most people have their personal preference and when you ask them they probably will tell you that the best time to work out is the time that they do.
While this person may have their routine down and a preference of time they like to workout, it may not work for you.
So instead of listening to your friend or that person at the gym, you seek some expert advice on the subject.
You pick up some magazines and books and maybe search the internet for some answers and more times than not, you find it is best to work out in the morning.
Time and time again people will explain why working out in the morning is best for your body because you are well rested, full of energy, your hormone levels such as testosterone are at there highest of the day, and that you can eat and take supplements throughout the day to help gain muscle.
While from a scientific and biological opinion it is true (working out in the morning is best), it may not be realistic in today's busy atmosphere.
Furthermore, many of us are simply not morning people.
If someone does not like to do physical activities in the morning right when they wake up, they certainly are not going to have a productive workout.
In the book, Arnold Schwarzenegger Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, he recommends lifting and working out at a time that works best for you.
When you feel you're best mentally and physically during the day.
So if this time lands in the afternoon, evening, or even for some of us, night time, this would be the best recommended time to workout.
It is best to work out when you feel like it and when you can give it your all.
For those of us that are morning people and have the time in the morning, this might be a slight advantage.
However working out at other times can be just as affective if you allow yourself the time to drink fluids and eat something after the workout.
This is important to helping restore the muscles that were torn and also restore nutrients in the body.
So, sample different times during the day to workout and you will eventually find the one that works best for you and the one that is more natural for you.
While this person may have their routine down and a preference of time they like to workout, it may not work for you.
So instead of listening to your friend or that person at the gym, you seek some expert advice on the subject.
You pick up some magazines and books and maybe search the internet for some answers and more times than not, you find it is best to work out in the morning.
Time and time again people will explain why working out in the morning is best for your body because you are well rested, full of energy, your hormone levels such as testosterone are at there highest of the day, and that you can eat and take supplements throughout the day to help gain muscle.
While from a scientific and biological opinion it is true (working out in the morning is best), it may not be realistic in today's busy atmosphere.
Furthermore, many of us are simply not morning people.
If someone does not like to do physical activities in the morning right when they wake up, they certainly are not going to have a productive workout.
In the book, Arnold Schwarzenegger Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, he recommends lifting and working out at a time that works best for you.
When you feel you're best mentally and physically during the day.
So if this time lands in the afternoon, evening, or even for some of us, night time, this would be the best recommended time to workout.
It is best to work out when you feel like it and when you can give it your all.
For those of us that are morning people and have the time in the morning, this might be a slight advantage.
However working out at other times can be just as affective if you allow yourself the time to drink fluids and eat something after the workout.
This is important to helping restore the muscles that were torn and also restore nutrients in the body.
So, sample different times during the day to workout and you will eventually find the one that works best for you and the one that is more natural for you.