Under Obama"s Thumb
The way he has done this is to make the pay significantly higher with larger benefits to the tune of 44% higher wages and benefits than the private sector.
So you thought government was always under paying its employees, not anymore.
30% Expansion in Federal Employees According to USA Today there is a 400% increase in government employees making over $150,000 annually.
The average pay for all federal employees now to this boost in salary is $71,206 annually as opposed to a few short years ago when it was $40,331 buckaroos.
What we are witnessing now is a 40% increase in public federal jobs that have become unionized as to the paltry increase in the private sector of only 10%.
With the private sector losing over 7.
3 million jobs to the recession and the unemployment rate at depressionary figures what we are seeing firsthand is a socialist takeover of unionized labor in this country by the Obama regime.
With a 30% expansion in federal employee hiring in the past two years to friends of the Obama campaign there is no doubt to where all this political cronyism is headed.
Remaking America into Their Socialist Image Obama and his lefties in every major area are trying to remake America into their socialist image and bring it all under federal control.
When he appears to be stalled out in advancing his political agenda he makes an end run around Congress with executive orders.
He is playing his Marxists revolutionary role to the max as he rolls out his toxic proposals to retool the American economy into an economy that would be a banana republic dictator's dream.
Lefties Want European Nanny State His regime does not like your personal freedoms so they are doing all they can to maximize control and power over every aspect of your life so that eventually there centralized government will be able to make every decision for you from cradle to grave.
Assuming control over the economy, Wall Street, the auto industry, the bankers, and now the health-care industry with their version of Obamacare, and he has done it all with money confiscated from middle class Americans through the bogus stimulus package that neither stimulated or advanced job growth in this country.
Entitlement Programs Going Bust We now have government entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security facing insolvency so the economic rube we now have in the White House has decided to sattle us all with even more debt by passing a 2,400 page Obamacare bill of convoluted chaotic rules and regulations that hold no common ground nor make any common sense.
Never Fixed Real Cause of the Meltdown While the root problem of the financial meltdown, the mishandling & mismanaging of mortgage loans by Freddie Mac and Fannie May, has never been addressed.
Perhaps the Democrats do not want to focus on these institutions because they are the ones in fact responsible for their ineptitude and malfeasance.
This is a financial bomb that is bubbling and will one day explode if attention is not given to the foreclosure market and homeowners that are being dispossessed of their homes and all the money they had tied up in it.
Beware if Free Markets Are Crippled Every economic policy that the Obama wizards have come up with,from plans to increase taxes on income, capital gains, the new cap and trade legislation, the so called VAT tax, and plans to go ahead with increasing the money supply, promises to have a negative effect on the economy.
While it appears now they have backed off on the income tax increase and will leave the Bush tax cuts alone for the present.
However, if the free markets functions are crippled by too much government tweaking, there will be no wealth for the Obama regime to redistribute.
Conclusion If in fact the job markets do not start hiring soon, as we know from past experience, people vote their pocketbook and if there are no jobs to be had in the next few years Obama and his clan of Czars will be headed for the unemployment line.
My message then will be good bye and good riddance.