Hair Loss - Can Hair Loss Really Be Reversed?
Just the other day I was sitting down to have my morning cup of coffee when the CEO from one of the major drug manufacturers was talking up his company.
Certainly can't blame him for that, but what caught my eye was his advanced balding.
A day or two later this same scenario repeated itself.
For men and women with a full head of hair this coincidence means very little but for those of us who have been fighting the battle against hair loss for years it has a profound meaning and that is if there was a pharmaceutical product that effectively stopped balding and re-grew quality hair these guys would certainly be using it.
This also seem to mesh well with my personal experience which tells me that while products containing the balding treatment minoxidil will work okay for a while at some point the gains will stop and hair loss will start to disappear eventually landing the user back where he or she was (or perhaps even worse) when the twice a day topical application was started.
So the bottom line it seems in the world of pharmaceuticals formulates to address loss of hair is they may be somewhat overrated.
Another interesting fact about reversing hair loss is that a receding hairline cannot be erased through hair loss treatments; though it can sometimes be erased through hair transplant surgery.
This fact should be taken into account when you are deciding whether or not to plop down your hard earned money in search of a balding solution.
Generally speaking when thinning hair and/or that creeping bald spot occurs it is a result of male or female pattern balding.
This condition accounts for 90 percent of cases of hair loss in men and about 30 percent in women.
Male or female pattern baldness is driven by a the hormone dihydrotestosterone which is an amped up version of testosterone which accumulates in the follicle complex of scalp hair.
Over time the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone shrinks tens of thousands of follicles to a point where they are no longer able to produce new growth thus making the condition difficult to reverse as well as being progressive.
So really what we are talking about when dealing with male or female pattern balding is taking these damaged and dying follicles and restoring them to a point where new growth can once again occur.
Certainly this is no easy task and a word of warning from someone who has been fighting this battle for a while; be careful of the shampoos you use.
Some are very harsh and will get in the way of successfully reversing hair loss.
My experience tells me that organics or shampoos formulated especially for those trying to reverse balding are the way to go.
Additionally, remember that shampoo is basically detergent and should be used in moderation.
In closing if you address the problem early enough with a little luck you will be able to at the very least protect the hair you have and very likely reinvigorate many of those damaged and dying follicles thus restoring at least some of your lost hair.
One last note: When combining natural topical and oral hair loss treatments it generally takes about a week to notice a difference in hair texture and about 8 weeks to see noticeable results.
Always use these products as directed and over a relatively short period of time you likely will start to see noticeable and long lasting results.
Certainly can't blame him for that, but what caught my eye was his advanced balding.
A day or two later this same scenario repeated itself.
For men and women with a full head of hair this coincidence means very little but for those of us who have been fighting the battle against hair loss for years it has a profound meaning and that is if there was a pharmaceutical product that effectively stopped balding and re-grew quality hair these guys would certainly be using it.
This also seem to mesh well with my personal experience which tells me that while products containing the balding treatment minoxidil will work okay for a while at some point the gains will stop and hair loss will start to disappear eventually landing the user back where he or she was (or perhaps even worse) when the twice a day topical application was started.
So the bottom line it seems in the world of pharmaceuticals formulates to address loss of hair is they may be somewhat overrated.
Another interesting fact about reversing hair loss is that a receding hairline cannot be erased through hair loss treatments; though it can sometimes be erased through hair transplant surgery.
This fact should be taken into account when you are deciding whether or not to plop down your hard earned money in search of a balding solution.
Generally speaking when thinning hair and/or that creeping bald spot occurs it is a result of male or female pattern balding.
This condition accounts for 90 percent of cases of hair loss in men and about 30 percent in women.
Male or female pattern baldness is driven by a the hormone dihydrotestosterone which is an amped up version of testosterone which accumulates in the follicle complex of scalp hair.
Over time the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone shrinks tens of thousands of follicles to a point where they are no longer able to produce new growth thus making the condition difficult to reverse as well as being progressive.
So really what we are talking about when dealing with male or female pattern balding is taking these damaged and dying follicles and restoring them to a point where new growth can once again occur.
Certainly this is no easy task and a word of warning from someone who has been fighting this battle for a while; be careful of the shampoos you use.
Some are very harsh and will get in the way of successfully reversing hair loss.
My experience tells me that organics or shampoos formulated especially for those trying to reverse balding are the way to go.
Additionally, remember that shampoo is basically detergent and should be used in moderation.
In closing if you address the problem early enough with a little luck you will be able to at the very least protect the hair you have and very likely reinvigorate many of those damaged and dying follicles thus restoring at least some of your lost hair.
One last note: When combining natural topical and oral hair loss treatments it generally takes about a week to notice a difference in hair texture and about 8 weeks to see noticeable results.
Always use these products as directed and over a relatively short period of time you likely will start to see noticeable and long lasting results.