What About Auras. What are They? And What Are Their Purpose?
Definition: The aura is an electromagnetic field surrounding the human form. People with enhanced psychic ability are able to see the movement and varied colors of the aura. Kirlian photography is a technique that captures the light from the auras of humans and plant life. The aura is also commonly referred to as the eighth chakra.
Auras are like magnets picking up vibrational energies that are floating around everywhere we go.
It is important to cleanse your aura frequently to free it of foreign vibrations and negative energies.
Also Known As: auric field, radiance, eighth chakra
Auras (colors and light) envelope our physical bodies are enveloped by our auras (colors and light). Some people are able to see auras plain as the nose on your face. On occasion some people will get a glimpse of an aura around someone. I don't know why we are so surprised or delighted when this happens. These glimpses serve as a reminder that we are first and foremost spiritual beings. Our physical bodies are secondary to who we are.
To live on this planet not only is it fashionable to have a human cloak, being connected to a body is a necessity to having a human experience. That's the whole point of being here, to experience challenges and joys of being human in order to evolve spiritually.
Light Beings
It can be even more surprising to see (or sense) a light (orb, beam, light flash, or human shape) without it being associated with a living person, animal, or plant.
When this occurs you are likely encountering an angel, spirit guide, or ascended master.
Eileen Smith, Ask An Angel columnist, says that she associates certain light colors with the archangels, blue for Archangel Michael and yellow for Archangel Gabriel...etc. (See Colors and the Archangels).
Photos of Light Beings
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