What are the different types of diaper rashes occurring in Australia

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What are the different types of diaper rashes occurring in Australia

There are various types of diaper rash and this could mean many different things. It is very important to know what type of diaper rash does your baby have and what are its causes. For one thing all rashes do is to cause discomfort to your baby. So what are the most common types of diaper rashes occurring in Australia, to know more please continue reading.

1. Common Diaper Rash

The most common diaper rash is basic skin irritation. It comes from sitting too long in wet or soiled diapers, from the friction of diaper against skin, or when there is a change in acidity of bowel movements, especially in 6- to 18-month-old kids who are trying new foods. Stool and urine contain bacteria that often irritate skin, even when diapers are changed frequently.

Diaper rash is more common and happens more frequently when using disposable diapers, but cloth-diapered children are also known to get diaper rash on occasion. According to WebMD, almost every baby will experience this at least once during the diapering years. (WebMD also includes a picture of diaper rash to help you identify it.)

In addition to diaper friction, other physical changes in your baby's body can cause diaper rash. If is found sometimes that teething can be a trigger and that babies get a rash every time they get a new teeth or a week before the tooth breaks through.

There are many products made specifically to treat diaper rash caused by friction or soiled diapers which are applicable to the hot areas of Australia. The important thing is to create a barrier. Zinc oxide is the most popular ingredient in barrier creams.

Some parents in humid areas of Australia recommend keeping the rash area as dry and clean as possible, even airing it out with a little diaper-free time each day. A few moms suggest about 30 minutes of "bare bum" time every day to thoroughly dry the area.

2. Yeast Infection

Fungal or yeast infections can also occur in a baby's diaper area, and are not always easy to get rid of. According to WebMD, yeast infections (also called candida) typically have a "bright, beefy red appearance," and often occur after taking antibiotics.

If you think your baby may have a yeast infection, several moms who have been through it recommend a trip to the pediatrician to get an accurate diagnosis of yeast infection and a topical treatment such as the prescription cream Nystatin. There are also over-the-counter anti-fungal treatments , such as clotrimazole (found in Lotrimin and other athlete's foot creams). Some parents use clotrimazole and at times doctors recommended it mixed with a zinc oxide or petroleum jelly diaper cream 2-3 times a day.

Some parents have used Nystatin to effectively treat the skin irritation caused by a yeast infection on their baby's bottom, also points out that you may you have to go beyond treating the symptoms to prevent a repeat infection: "I find that most people are adverse to the idea of applying such a product, and let's face it, that's only clearing up the symptoms of an underlying overgrowth of yeast — the rash will most likely reoccur if you don't treat the cause."

In this case it was found that cutting out artificial sweeteners and sugar, while adding plain yogurt or probiotics to the baby's diet for a couple weeks helps clear up candida from the inside out.

Finally, a yeast infection is easily spread from mom to baby, i.e. even with good hand washing, and it would be suggested to use a vaginal yeast infection treatment on yourself even if you're not experiencing any symptoms

3. Allergies

Babies can be allergic to almost anything that comes into contact with their delicate, diaper-area skin. It could be laundry detergent, soaps, wipes, lotion, or even the diapers themselves. Some babies are allergic to a particular brand of diapers and their skin turn red everywhere the diaper contacted their skin as opposed to the normal diaper rash.

If you are having trouble with a persistent rash, consider any recent brand changes you might have made in the products that touch your baby. If diapers seem to be the culprit, moms advise going straight to a diaper made for sensitive skin. Some mothers prefer Seventh Generation Organic Diapers while others are a big proponent of cloth diapers, which contain no chemicals or irritants."

4. Skin Conditions

Sometimes diaper rash appears in more than just the diaper area, and sometimes it is caused by skin conditions such as seborrhea or eczema. It's best to have your pediatrician or dermatologist confirm these types of conditions before attempting to treat them yourself.

About 20 percent of babies have eczema, which looks like "red, dry, itchy patches" and can occur anywhere on the body. A family in Southern Australia found that eczema run in the family.

Seborrhea is another skin condition that is fairly common in infants. WebMD describes it as an "oily, yellow-colored rash that may also be seen . . . on the face, head, and neck." Seborrhea can also cause cradle cap.

The preceding information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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