Common Clinical Depression Symptoms

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General Background Information About Clinical Depression It is estimated that clinical depression affects approximately 10 percent of all Americans older than 18 years of age, and a vast majority of those suffering from it do not even know that it is depression.
Commonly, depression is attributed to a simple feeling of sadness or unhappiness, however that is an extremely ignorant oversimplification of clinical depression symptoms.
Depression is defined by the Mayo Clinic as a disorder that affects the physical, mental, and emotional state of well-being of humans, and it is not something that is "in your head" as many would try to make you believe.
Though it can be caused by a recent event that triggers a dose of sadness, clinical depression is caused in most by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that prevent the successful transmission of endorphins to the nerve receptors where they are needed most.
Many medications are available to help combat this condition, though there is no singularly effective treatment method or indefinite cure.
One of the most defining characteristics of depression is that a sufferer is feeling down during an event or activity that would generally make him or her incredibly happy.
Symptoms And Indicators Of Depression There are many indicators that can determine whether or not a person is suffering from depression, and a couple of these include:
  • Decreased ability to focus, especially on tasks and activities that would generally interest the afflicted.
  • Decreased energy and motivation.
  • Little or no feeling of worth to the world.
  • Loss of hope.
  • Problems with successful sleep, including insomniac behavior.
  • Inability to sit still, overcome with feelings anxiety.
    Feeling restless for an unknown reason.
  • Lessened importance of sexual intercourse or activities that once held your interest.
  • Increased or decreased appetite; generally drastic and causes weight problems such as sudden weight loss or excessive weight gain.
  • Pain in the abdominal region, headaches, etc.
  • Episodes of crying or excessive sadness that can overtake your day.
  • Entertaining the idea of committing suicide to escape the pain that often comes with depression.
While there are a great deal of clinical depression symptoms, there are also many treatments available to help you break free of the chains associated with depression and continue your life.
If you are feeling any of the side effects listed above, contact a psychiatrist or psychologist as soon as possible to ensure that you are able to get the help you need.
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