Dealing With Blood Pressure DuringPanic Attack
There are two characteristic types of panic attacks with different relationships between the onset of the attack and the presence or absence of situational triggers. Unexpected panic attacks: in which the onset of the panic attack is not associated with situational trigger (ie occurring spontaneously). Situationally bound panic attack: in which the panic attack almost invariably occurs immediately on exposure to, or in anticipation of, the situational cue or trigger an immediate panic attack in a particular person. Medical examination at time of panic attack may sometimes reveal rapid fast pulse (tachycardia) and mild elevation of systolic blood pressure. In between panic attacks the medical examination is normal. The investigations like blood, urine, X Rays, ECG, 2D Echo, stress tests all are normal.
You have been under a lot of emotional and physical stress lately, and as such you have been suffering from panic attacks. An important thing to remember is that while panic attacks generally feel worse than they really are, at the same time they can be damaging to your overall health, especially in the form of high blood pressure. Thus, you need to know how to keep your blood pressuring during a panic attack within normal levels.
It might sound too simple, but it really does help if, while suffering a panic attack, you seek a cold drink of water. This cool drink of water can also help lower your blood pressure during a panic attack, because the coolness of the water will hydrate you and cause a naturally relaxing effect. You might wonder why your blood pressure during a panic attack can become high. This can happen if you already have a tendency toward high blood pressure, but at the same time adrenaline can also be a major cause. Specifically, high blood pressure during a panic attack can be caused by the adrenaline that triggers the panic attack in the first place. The adrenaline causes your heart to beat faster, and as such, the blood being pumped through your body goes faster and faster, which can result in high blood pressure.
Interestingly enough, low blood pressure during a panic attack can also occur. For example, if you are prone to panic attacks in which you start to feel dizzy and lightheaded, this can be because you are not receiving enough oxygen. Since oxygen is carried in the blood, too little oxygen can sometimes result in low blood pressure. So, if you tend to suffer from low blood pressure during a panic attack, you should first try to get your blood sugar regulated by drinking some orange juice. If you think that you are suffering from high blood pressure, go to your local drugstore and purchase an at-home blood pressure kit.
When you feel a panic attack coming on, try to take your blood pressure and record your findings. It is important that you only use a safe and accurate home blood pressure kit. Go to your doctor and discuss ways that you can not only stop your blood pressure from becoming dangerously high, but find a safe way to stop your panic attacks.