How to Keep Stephanotis Fresh in Summer
- 1). Arrange delivery from the florist shortly before the occasion where Stephanotis will be used so that the flowers remain in the florists' cooling unit as long as possible. Schedule wedding bouquets and boutonnières to arrive on location in the morning of the event. Receive or pick up Stephanotis for flower arrangements on the day when they will be used, not prior.
- 2). Keep bouquets with Stephanotis in the box provided by the florist to prevent bruising the flowers with handling. Place loose Stephanotis for use in arrangements in a vase filled with lukewarm water to keep them hydrated.
- 3). Set Stephanotis in a spot away from direct sun. Keep the flowers in a shaded area outdoors if they will be displayed within two hours. For indoor storage up to four hours, set the flowers on a shelf or countertop in a dark, cool area such as a garage or storage room.
- 4). Spray the flowers with tepid water once an hour to combat extremely hot summer day temperatures that can wilt even hardy floral arrangements. Set the nozzle of a spray bottle to mist and hold it 12 to 14 inches away from the Stephanotis when spraying to lightly coat the blossoms.
- 5). Place Stephanotis in a refrigerator only in the most extreme heat of summer or if they need to be stored for longer than four hours before display. Remove apples from the refrigerator as the natural ethylene from them can cause flowers to brown quickly. Open the refrigerator door every hour to allow air circulation.