How to Hob a Gear
- 1). Select either a standard or specialized hob, depending on the type of gear you're attempting to manufacture. Mount it in place on the cross slide of the hobbing machine's lathe.
- 2). Mount your gear blank on the top slide of the hobbing machine's lathe. Make sure it's not in contact with the hob.
- 3). Put on your protective goggles to avoid any stray metal shards.
- 4). Set the lathe to operate at its lowest speed and turn it on. Detach the top slide from its locked position and slowly lower the gear blank onto the rotating hob.
- 5). Increase the speed of the lathe slowly as the teeth of the gear begin to be formed. Pour cutting fluid onto the point of contact at regular intervals to keep the two metal pieces from overheating.
- 6). Return the top slide to its locked position once the gear is complete and shut off the hobbing machine.
- 7). Visually inspect the gear to ensure that it meets your design specifications.