3 Myths About Home - Made Solar Panels
So, has the rising cost of utility bills have you looking for ways to generate your own electricity at home? Have you been thinking about making your own home-made solar panels? I was thinking about the same thing and I decided to investigate this idea, and I uncovered three common myths of making your own home-made solar panels.
Let me explain them to you here.
Myth number one, home-made solar panels are safe.
When you really start looking at the details of how to build a solar panel you soon discover that hundreds of small soldered connections are required.
You have to get every one of these perfect or they can easily short our and spark.
This can very easily start a panel fire, and cause major or catastrophic damage to your home.
There have been many stories of panel fires in the news of the last several years.
And if this happens, your home owners insurance will not cover you.
Leave the solar panel building to the professionals, who know what they are doing, and their panels are covered by a UL seal of approval.
Myth number two, home-made solar panels work around the clock.
Or so the marketers want you to believe this.
Solar panels will only work in direct sunlight.
This means they will make no electricity at night, when it is cloudy or foggy, or if the panels cloud or mist up.
You probably will only have an average of four hours of energy producing sunlight for your panels.
This is hardly enough energy to make a significant contribution to your home power needs.
You will need several thousand square feet of panels to be able to save any real money on your power bills, and do you realize the cost of doing this? This leads me to the final myth.
Myth number three, solar power systems for home us are cost effective.
I think this is true if you are making panels on a small scale, like, for example, making a few panels to power your RV on a weekend get a way trip.
But, if you are really going to significantly reduce or eliminate your power bill you will need a system that cost several tens of thousands of dollars.
Do you realize how many years it takes to pay this our as an investment? It takes twenty to thirty years to recover your investment and get a reasonable return.
The investment pros will tell you this is a loser, and you can do better by investing in government bonds.
There is a better alternative to home-made solar panels.
You can make all the free electricity you want at home using a magnetic power generator.
You can make one of these devices at home in an afternoon using parts and materials found at a hardware store.
These devices are safe, efficient, and clean energy producers.
Depending upon the size of your system, you can either supplement or totally replace your monthly power needs.
Let me explain them to you here.
Myth number one, home-made solar panels are safe.
When you really start looking at the details of how to build a solar panel you soon discover that hundreds of small soldered connections are required.
You have to get every one of these perfect or they can easily short our and spark.
This can very easily start a panel fire, and cause major or catastrophic damage to your home.
There have been many stories of panel fires in the news of the last several years.
And if this happens, your home owners insurance will not cover you.
Leave the solar panel building to the professionals, who know what they are doing, and their panels are covered by a UL seal of approval.
Myth number two, home-made solar panels work around the clock.
Or so the marketers want you to believe this.
Solar panels will only work in direct sunlight.
This means they will make no electricity at night, when it is cloudy or foggy, or if the panels cloud or mist up.
You probably will only have an average of four hours of energy producing sunlight for your panels.
This is hardly enough energy to make a significant contribution to your home power needs.
You will need several thousand square feet of panels to be able to save any real money on your power bills, and do you realize the cost of doing this? This leads me to the final myth.
Myth number three, solar power systems for home us are cost effective.
I think this is true if you are making panels on a small scale, like, for example, making a few panels to power your RV on a weekend get a way trip.
But, if you are really going to significantly reduce or eliminate your power bill you will need a system that cost several tens of thousands of dollars.
Do you realize how many years it takes to pay this our as an investment? It takes twenty to thirty years to recover your investment and get a reasonable return.
The investment pros will tell you this is a loser, and you can do better by investing in government bonds.
There is a better alternative to home-made solar panels.
You can make all the free electricity you want at home using a magnetic power generator.
You can make one of these devices at home in an afternoon using parts and materials found at a hardware store.
These devices are safe, efficient, and clean energy producers.
Depending upon the size of your system, you can either supplement or totally replace your monthly power needs.