Are Your Affiliate Links Getting Clicked?
A lot of people starting out with internet marketing don't know about the effectiveness of good looking links.
Let's say you are promoting ABC product.
You are given a link such as ABCproduct.
com/landing?a=231 What happens when you promote a link looking like this? Not much, I can tell you.
People take one look at it and assume it is a site they are not interested in..
Or people just don't like the fact that you are making money of them.
How can you solve this problem? Make your links look more professional.
How do you do this? On your website (you do have one don't you?) make a folder such as "likes" or "endorses", and for each product you wish to promote, make a subfolder of the product name such as "ABCproduct".
Now you will have some thing likehttp://www.
com/likes/abcproductInside of the product folder, you make a new index.
html file with a simple javascript redirect that redirects to the url you were given to promote (your affiliate link).
For example, you have found a product you want to promote, let's say "CakeBaker".
The url you are given to promote is [http://www.
You go to your website, you already have a folder called "endorses", so you make a sub folder in here called "CakeBaker", inside of that folder you create a index.
html that redirects to [http://www.
Now instead of promoting that aweful looking link with numbers and spammy looking things, you promote the http://www.
com/endorses/CakeBaker People will see this link (instead of the ugly one), and more than likey click it.
To automate the process, you can find powerful software which can cloak, protect, and boost your commissions by changing the appearance of your links for you..
One such software is called Powerlink Generator [http://www.
com] and is available from [http://www.
This program helps you to "beautify" your links, which inturn gets you more click throughs.
It also has the option of cloaking and tracking your links which are very handy features.
So, if you are promoting bad looking links, chances are people aren't going to click them.
On the other hand, if you promote genuine (Which they are) links, people will indeed click on them.
Let's say you are promoting ABC product.
You are given a link such as ABCproduct.
com/landing?a=231 What happens when you promote a link looking like this? Not much, I can tell you.
People take one look at it and assume it is a site they are not interested in..
Or people just don't like the fact that you are making money of them.
How can you solve this problem? Make your links look more professional.
How do you do this? On your website (you do have one don't you?) make a folder such as "likes" or "endorses", and for each product you wish to promote, make a subfolder of the product name such as "ABCproduct".
Now you will have some thing likehttp://www.
com/likes/abcproductInside of the product folder, you make a new index.
html file with a simple javascript redirect that redirects to the url you were given to promote (your affiliate link).
For example, you have found a product you want to promote, let's say "CakeBaker".
The url you are given to promote is [http://www.
You go to your website, you already have a folder called "endorses", so you make a sub folder in here called "CakeBaker", inside of that folder you create a index.
html that redirects to [http://www.
Now instead of promoting that aweful looking link with numbers and spammy looking things, you promote the http://www.
com/endorses/CakeBaker People will see this link (instead of the ugly one), and more than likey click it.
To automate the process, you can find powerful software which can cloak, protect, and boost your commissions by changing the appearance of your links for you..
One such software is called Powerlink Generator [http://www.
com] and is available from [http://www.
This program helps you to "beautify" your links, which inturn gets you more click throughs.
It also has the option of cloaking and tracking your links which are very handy features.
So, if you are promoting bad looking links, chances are people aren't going to click them.
On the other hand, if you promote genuine (Which they are) links, people will indeed click on them.