8th Grade Creative Book Report Ideas
- Part of reading a book is putting an image in your mind to what the characters look like. Dress as your favorite character from the assigned book when giving the book report. This not only brings the book to life, but allows you to use your imagination to choose the perfect costume. Read your report or share the highlights while using a voice the character would use as well.
- If you read a book such as "Lord of the Flies" that relies heavily on symbols, share these items physically with the class. For example, bring a conch shell from a trip to the sea to share while discussing "Lord of the Flies." In the book, this symbolized leadership because anyone who had the shell led the rest of the children. Label items with what they symbolize so people do not forget why the item is important while listening to the rest of your report. Be sure to tie the importance of the item into the main theme of the book.
- Video tape or create a skit similar to a movie review program. Invite "guests" to discuss the book such as the author or characters from the book. This is best to complete when reports are assigned in groups, otherwise write a script that your friends can help you with. For fun, upload the video to YouTube to share with others reading the book.
- It's not uncommon to find movie versions of classic and contemporary books. If you read a book that also has a movie, use scenes from the film to compare the movie to the book. Discuss the differences and how these changes improved or ruined the story in the book. Share only a few scenes, not the entire film.
Bring a Character to Life
Demonstrate the Importance of Symbols
Create a Review Program
Compare to the Movie Version