ADHD News - Finding Out How the Latest Research Can Help You Decide the Right Treatment
Interesting ADHD news concerning research carried at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital traces a definite link between lead and tobacco exposure and ADHD.
It seems that eliminating smoking in pregnancy could definitely reduce the chances of a child getting ADHD.
The same goes for trying to eliminate any exposure to lead in the early years of childhood.
The researchers at the hospital estimate that if we eliminated these risks, ADHD cases could decrease by as much as 35%.
In terms of numbers, that could mean up to 800,000 fewer cases of ADHD! This report was published recently in the Pediatrics journal.
Certainly this ADHD news will make women think twice about smoking during pregnancy.
University of Barcelona research The second piece of ADHD news I have selected is from research at the University of Barcelona.
It seems that ADHD kids have certain imbalances in their brain chemicals related especially to a system of motivation and reward.
In a normal child, the idea of a reward can motivate the child sufficiently to focus, stay on task and even finish the job in hand.
But researchers noted that ADHD children seem to be particularly lacking in having enough motivation and seem to expect instant gratification rather than wait.
This would seem to explain why they cannot focus, are impulsive and of course are hyperactive.
Michigan State University research New ADHD studies at Michigan State University led by Molly Nikolas studied the role of the neurochemical serotonin which of course is responsible for our good mood or the lack of it.
The team studied the interaction between a genetic variant of the serotonin chemical and the family environment.
The children who had more erratic levels of serotonin and blamed themselves for parental conflict seemed to display more ADHD symptoms.
This was the first time that a study linked the genetic and environmental factors and maybe this will point up some other new ADHD studies in the future.
How this research can help us choose the right treatment We can see that environmental and family relationships can play a decisive role in the treatment of ADHD.
Certainly the role of child behavior modification techniques is important as borne out by all sorts of research projects, too numerous to mention here.
Knowing how to moderate parental conflict and deal with motivational and reward issues are key elements and they are covered in any good child behavior modification plan.
So, there you have the latest ADHD news which is certainly pointing us away from the extensive and exclusive use of ADHD drugs using psychostimulants..
It is high time we took a more serious look at ADHD homeopathic remedies which combine perfectly well with any sort of ADHD behavior therapy.
Why not click through and see how this could work for your child.
It seems that eliminating smoking in pregnancy could definitely reduce the chances of a child getting ADHD.
The same goes for trying to eliminate any exposure to lead in the early years of childhood.
The researchers at the hospital estimate that if we eliminated these risks, ADHD cases could decrease by as much as 35%.
In terms of numbers, that could mean up to 800,000 fewer cases of ADHD! This report was published recently in the Pediatrics journal.
Certainly this ADHD news will make women think twice about smoking during pregnancy.
University of Barcelona research The second piece of ADHD news I have selected is from research at the University of Barcelona.
It seems that ADHD kids have certain imbalances in their brain chemicals related especially to a system of motivation and reward.
In a normal child, the idea of a reward can motivate the child sufficiently to focus, stay on task and even finish the job in hand.
But researchers noted that ADHD children seem to be particularly lacking in having enough motivation and seem to expect instant gratification rather than wait.
This would seem to explain why they cannot focus, are impulsive and of course are hyperactive.
Michigan State University research New ADHD studies at Michigan State University led by Molly Nikolas studied the role of the neurochemical serotonin which of course is responsible for our good mood or the lack of it.
The team studied the interaction between a genetic variant of the serotonin chemical and the family environment.
The children who had more erratic levels of serotonin and blamed themselves for parental conflict seemed to display more ADHD symptoms.
This was the first time that a study linked the genetic and environmental factors and maybe this will point up some other new ADHD studies in the future.
How this research can help us choose the right treatment We can see that environmental and family relationships can play a decisive role in the treatment of ADHD.
Certainly the role of child behavior modification techniques is important as borne out by all sorts of research projects, too numerous to mention here.
Knowing how to moderate parental conflict and deal with motivational and reward issues are key elements and they are covered in any good child behavior modification plan.
So, there you have the latest ADHD news which is certainly pointing us away from the extensive and exclusive use of ADHD drugs using psychostimulants..
It is high time we took a more serious look at ADHD homeopathic remedies which combine perfectly well with any sort of ADHD behavior therapy.
Why not click through and see how this could work for your child.