How to Raise Your Vibration and Shape Your Life
We have entered a new era in human understanding.
Modern science and ancient wisdom have converged in a consciousness-shifting realization.
It is now known that, at the most fundamental level, "everything is energy.
" We are energetic beings in a Universal Energetic Field.
Because of that profound understanding, we stand at a turning point in human development.
We can now join the wisdom of ancient energy practices with the validation of modern science to take the next step in human evolution.
Energetic training is that next step.
This article describes how you can train your energetic vibration and shape your reality using Core Energy Meditation(TM).
Core Energy Meditation(TM) is an easy-to-learn skill.
In as little as 20 minutes a day, you can learn to shift into a positive inner state and achieve greater health, happiness, and success in your life.
Whether you want to de-stress, find inner peace and joy, or realize deeper meaning and greater abundance, the first step is to learn how to raise your vibration.
To understand how this works, let's look at a key insight from the emerging energetic view of reality.
The Law of Attraction A sign that energy consciousness has moved into the mainstream is the phenomenal success of the hit movie, "The Secret.
" Because of this movie, many people have become interested in specifically how to use the secret to achieve better results in their lives.
The heart of The Secret is "The Law of Attraction.
" In effect, this law says that: "energetic vibrations tend to attract like vibrations.
" For instance, if you cultivate prosperity consciousness, you will tend to attract prosperous circumstances.
The more strongly, positively, clearly, and coherently you can maintain your intended vibration, the greater its' organizing and attracting force.
People have tried various techniques to realize The Law of Attraction's power in their lives.
These techniques include affirmation, visualization, goal-setting, and positive thinking.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that success has been limited.
Does that mean The Law of Attraction doesn't work? Or is something else going on here? While the above techniques can be powerful, I suggest that, by themselves, they don't work deeply enough.
They're best used in conjunction with deeper energetic techniques.
To explain that, imagine your being in three layers: surface consciousness, subconscious, and subtle energy system.
Briefly, surface consciousness consists of the thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions that you are aware of.
Your subconscious contains the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, programs, and processes that go on beneath your conscious awareness.
Your subtle energy system is your primary layer of interaction in the Universal Energetic Field.
This layer underlies and gives birth to the other layers of your Being.
Energy Work The Law of Attraction works on the subtle energetic level.
To consciously use the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire, you need to work at this level.
Many techniques are based on working with yourself as energy.
From acupuncture and homeopathy, to Reiki and Therapeutic Touch, to t'ai chi, yoga, and qigong, you can intervene at the energetic level in a variety of ways.
Energy meditation is a most powerful method.
However, many systems of energy meditation are highly complex and require countless hours and years of devotion to master.
Given the hectic pace of modern life, most of us need a more efficient, yet still effective approach.
We need what energetic practice has to offer, but it has to fit into our busy schedules.
Enter Core Energy Meditation(TM).
It combines the ancient secrets of qigong with cutting-edge research on the heart and brain in a simple, time-efficient practice.
Simply stated, it is the most effective transformational tool that I know.
Your Energetic Anatomy Core Energy Meditation(TM) works through your energetic anatomy to develop and integrate your body, heart, mind, and spirit.
Your energetic anatomy consists of a system of energy centers, pathways, and points that distribute life energy throughout your body.
When life energy flows smoothly through this network, you experience health, happiness, and the fulfillment of your highest potential.
When smooth energy flow is disrupted, the result is tension, disease, and the dampening of your potential.
Though your energetic anatomy is a complex network, there are four simple features that affect your entire energy system.
When you open, clear, and develop these four energetic features, you positively shift your overall vibration.
These features are three energy centers (Body, Heart, and Mind Centers) and a pathway that runs through all three (the Central Channel).
Your Body Center is in the middle of your lower abdomen and is associated with your physical vitality.
Your Heart Center is in the middle of your chest and is associated with positive feelings and relationships in the world.
Your Mind Center is in the middle of your brain and is associated with higher awareness and your ability to clear and focus your mind.
The Central Channel runs through the middle of your body, from the top of your head down through all three energy centers to your perineum (between genitals and anus).
It is associated with energetic coherence and spiritual connection.
Shaping Your Reality In Core Energy Meditation(TM) you open, clear, and energize your energy centers and connect them through the Central Channel.
In this way, you activate the potential of each center and integrate them for harmonious function.
Core Energy Meditation(TM) relaxes and aligns your body, opens and attunes your heart, clears and focuses your mind, and strengthens your sense of spiritual connection.
This raises the strength, quality, clarity, and coherence of your energetic vibration and puts you in what I call a Core Energy State.
A Core Energy State is the perfect vibratory state from which you can use the Law of Attraction.
When you visualize, feel, and affirm one of your ideal possibilities from a Core Energy State you interact with the Universal Field in a powerful way to shape your reality.
Modern science and ancient wisdom have converged in a consciousness-shifting realization.
It is now known that, at the most fundamental level, "everything is energy.
" We are energetic beings in a Universal Energetic Field.
Because of that profound understanding, we stand at a turning point in human development.
We can now join the wisdom of ancient energy practices with the validation of modern science to take the next step in human evolution.
Energetic training is that next step.
This article describes how you can train your energetic vibration and shape your reality using Core Energy Meditation(TM).
Core Energy Meditation(TM) is an easy-to-learn skill.
In as little as 20 minutes a day, you can learn to shift into a positive inner state and achieve greater health, happiness, and success in your life.
Whether you want to de-stress, find inner peace and joy, or realize deeper meaning and greater abundance, the first step is to learn how to raise your vibration.
To understand how this works, let's look at a key insight from the emerging energetic view of reality.
The Law of Attraction A sign that energy consciousness has moved into the mainstream is the phenomenal success of the hit movie, "The Secret.
" Because of this movie, many people have become interested in specifically how to use the secret to achieve better results in their lives.
The heart of The Secret is "The Law of Attraction.
" In effect, this law says that: "energetic vibrations tend to attract like vibrations.
" For instance, if you cultivate prosperity consciousness, you will tend to attract prosperous circumstances.
The more strongly, positively, clearly, and coherently you can maintain your intended vibration, the greater its' organizing and attracting force.
People have tried various techniques to realize The Law of Attraction's power in their lives.
These techniques include affirmation, visualization, goal-setting, and positive thinking.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that success has been limited.
Does that mean The Law of Attraction doesn't work? Or is something else going on here? While the above techniques can be powerful, I suggest that, by themselves, they don't work deeply enough.
They're best used in conjunction with deeper energetic techniques.
To explain that, imagine your being in three layers: surface consciousness, subconscious, and subtle energy system.
Briefly, surface consciousness consists of the thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions that you are aware of.
Your subconscious contains the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, programs, and processes that go on beneath your conscious awareness.
Your subtle energy system is your primary layer of interaction in the Universal Energetic Field.
This layer underlies and gives birth to the other layers of your Being.
Energy Work The Law of Attraction works on the subtle energetic level.
To consciously use the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire, you need to work at this level.
Many techniques are based on working with yourself as energy.
From acupuncture and homeopathy, to Reiki and Therapeutic Touch, to t'ai chi, yoga, and qigong, you can intervene at the energetic level in a variety of ways.
Energy meditation is a most powerful method.
However, many systems of energy meditation are highly complex and require countless hours and years of devotion to master.
Given the hectic pace of modern life, most of us need a more efficient, yet still effective approach.
We need what energetic practice has to offer, but it has to fit into our busy schedules.
Enter Core Energy Meditation(TM).
It combines the ancient secrets of qigong with cutting-edge research on the heart and brain in a simple, time-efficient practice.
Simply stated, it is the most effective transformational tool that I know.
Your Energetic Anatomy Core Energy Meditation(TM) works through your energetic anatomy to develop and integrate your body, heart, mind, and spirit.
Your energetic anatomy consists of a system of energy centers, pathways, and points that distribute life energy throughout your body.
When life energy flows smoothly through this network, you experience health, happiness, and the fulfillment of your highest potential.
When smooth energy flow is disrupted, the result is tension, disease, and the dampening of your potential.
Though your energetic anatomy is a complex network, there are four simple features that affect your entire energy system.
When you open, clear, and develop these four energetic features, you positively shift your overall vibration.
These features are three energy centers (Body, Heart, and Mind Centers) and a pathway that runs through all three (the Central Channel).
Your Body Center is in the middle of your lower abdomen and is associated with your physical vitality.
Your Heart Center is in the middle of your chest and is associated with positive feelings and relationships in the world.
Your Mind Center is in the middle of your brain and is associated with higher awareness and your ability to clear and focus your mind.
The Central Channel runs through the middle of your body, from the top of your head down through all three energy centers to your perineum (between genitals and anus).
It is associated with energetic coherence and spiritual connection.
Shaping Your Reality In Core Energy Meditation(TM) you open, clear, and energize your energy centers and connect them through the Central Channel.
In this way, you activate the potential of each center and integrate them for harmonious function.
Core Energy Meditation(TM) relaxes and aligns your body, opens and attunes your heart, clears and focuses your mind, and strengthens your sense of spiritual connection.
This raises the strength, quality, clarity, and coherence of your energetic vibration and puts you in what I call a Core Energy State.
A Core Energy State is the perfect vibratory state from which you can use the Law of Attraction.
When you visualize, feel, and affirm one of your ideal possibilities from a Core Energy State you interact with the Universal Field in a powerful way to shape your reality.