Male Cat Urinary Blockage
- Common symptoms of urinary blockage include straining to urinate, painful or frequent attempts at urination, failure to produce urine and crying while trying to urinate. Cats with a blockage eventually lose their appetites and become lethargic.
- Male cats who have feline urologic syndrome (FUS) or feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) often form crystals, mucus and bladder stones. These objects form a plug in the urethra, causing a blockage.
- Your veterinarian will perform diagnostic tests such as bloodwork, urinalysis and X-rays to diagnose a urinary blockage in your cat.
- Treatment of your cat's blockage requires immediate emergency removal of the blockage and may include catheterization and medication. Specialized diets are often prescribed for cats who have experiences blockages.
- A urinary blockage in your male cat requires prompt treatment as it can result in your cat's death within three to six days.