The Difference Between Reptilian & Reptoids
- Reptoids and reptilians are the common term to describe a sort of lizardlike human creature with supernatural powers. The Reptoids Research Center, a crypto-zoology website, argues that these beings, specifically named reptoids, are sentient lifeforms that control, or are trying to control the planet. No matter how far-fetched this idea sounds, there is a long-standing narrative in human cultures over the idea of lizardlike creatures. As an Alternet article outlines, ancient myths to conspiracy theories, like the Illuminati, utilize some aspect of a "lizard-man" narrative to craft the image of a controlling race of creatures bent on world domination.
- Because the theories advocated by believers of lizard-men, such as conspiracy theorist David Icke, vary depending on who you ask or believe, there are no clear or concise descriptions that describe all lizard-men. The reptoids, as detailed by the Reptoids Research Center, are 9-foot tall, scaled-skin humanoids with superhuman strength. However, there are also the reptilians, who by their very nature are not given a full physical description. One conspiracy website, the Watcher Files, claims that reptilians are lizard-men disguised as humans. In fact, the Watcher Files website claims that reptilians could have, at one point, been human, but became reptilians through ritualistic mutations.
- One of the most vibrant debates by people who believe in the existence of lizard-men is the idea of where do these beings come from? The Reptoids Research Center claims that many of the reptoids, or lizard-men, seen in the world are from remote areas on Earth. The Center outlines arguments stating that reptoids are descendents of dinosaurs, or that these creatures co-evolved on Earth. In contrast, the conspiracy theorist David Icke explains that the reptilians are actually beings from a parallel dimension or universe, trying to impose a New World Order.
- If you read these websites that skeptics might call "conspiracy websites," the debate concerning the actual nature of reptilian creatures versus reptoids are similar. In some way, advocates of these theories believe that some lifeform that has reptilian and humanoid features offer or represent godlike powers to dangerous world-domination intentions. Literal physical differences, where these beings come from, or whether people should call these beings reptilians or reptoids misses the fact that each being is part of the lizard-man narrative.
What Are Lizard Men?
Physical Embodiment
Where They Come From
Similarities with Differences