Relation - Reincarnation and Globalisation

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What is reincarnation? Reincarnation is invented by Hindus in ancient Vedic society, roughly more than ten thousand years ago.
It is the concept of transmigration of the soul, the atman, through many life forms, which is explained in the Vedanta philosophy.
Almost all Hindus believe this.
But the big question is if this is fiction or truth.
The scientific facts about reincarnation Ian Stevenson spent a lot of time investigating medical facts about reincarnation and published a book about this in 1997 titled: 'Where Reincarnation and Biology intersect' (published by Praeger Publishers, Westport Connecticut, United States of America).
In this book he proved that reincarnation is not fiction, but a scientific fact in the living world of humans.
For the dogmatic abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) it is very difficult to accept this scientific book about reincarnation as a fact, because they believe in eternal life in paradise after their death.
But in some ways this is the same problem about the medieval discussion about the rotation of the sun around the earth.
The Hindus knew the truth about this problem long ago before the Christians and Muslims accepted that the earth is rotating around the sun and that our planet is not flat.
Concept of karma Karma is the information from past lives that a soul will have during reincarnation in another life form.
It can lead to many hardships or a pleasant life in the new lifecycle.
Sometimes it is called the oldest concept of action and reaction, based upon the dynamics of deeds and thoughts in the past, present and future.
Karma is not static, it is not fate, it is completely dynamical, changing constantly during your life and resulting in more or less lessons, information and knowledge.
In Hinduism almost all people believe in karma and that's why they are very afraid to kill or harm other living creatures or to do bad things.
The whole ahimsa or non-violence philosophy of Mohandas Gandhi was based on an absolute religious doctrine of always doing good things, to get a better karma in future.
This is why this freedom fighter in India was a fierce Hindu fundamentalist, because he applied the ahimsa philosophy absolutely in his thoughts, strategies and deeds.
Global karma During the process of globalisation it is logical that the development of a global karma will increase, because information is being globalised with the speed of light.
Take an example.
If I get information about dead sections in the sea than I will feel guilty and responsible for it and I will be automatically be connected with the global karma while living in Delft city (the Netherlands).
It is the terrifying information about the future of mankind that will connect me, as an individual, to the global karma.
Why? Why will I be connected to the global karma? Because I know that I will reincarnate on planet earth after my present life and I will suffer in the polluted world from the past.
The bad things that humanity did in the globalised world during past lives will influence my new life form, which never is predictable.
I could be punished for the bad deeds of the globalised world in the past by being reborn as a handicapped baby.
Sure this could become my fate or punishment during my next reincarnation, because I am connected now to the global karma through the process of globalisation.
This clear and practical example is interesting, because it could be your fate also or that of all humans who will be reincarnated in future.
Medical reports give evidence now that this is already happening in polluted regions, because many children are born with diseases, as autism, weak immunity, low fertility and missing body parts.
Philosophy of Karmanomics Short definition: Karmanomics is the philosophy of how economical investments or transactions will change, harm or influence your next life, when you will be reincarnated in another life form, with the karmical information from the past.
Karmanomics can work on the micro level, for the individual, but also at the macro levels, for organisations, countries, races or even whole species.
It is the perfect philosophy for a globalised world doing bad things, because they will be punished in future by reincarnating in lower, weaker, inferior, mad or sick bodies.
The bad things we do in our present globalised world are our own responsibility and we will suffer for it in future.
This is hard, because Altecrea, God, Krishna, Allah, Buddha, Durga Maata, Shiva, Hanuman, Jesus or whatever sort of higher creator will never help us, but let us suffer because we, the globalised citizens choose for it in past lives.
Our only hope is to learn from our own mistakes and to really use our perfect designed brain of hundred billion neurons to do good things and not to destroy, kill or bomb the whole world.
In karmanomics our ability to learn from our deeds is the absolute doctrine.
We humans are free to do good or bad things, but we must realize that it can lead to more suffering during our next life.
Is karma fiction? My research goes on and on and still I cannot proof with one hundred percent certainty if karma does exist, but I must say that it is no fiction.
When I discovered Hinduism during personal contact with many Hindu women I learned about karma and how they were thinking about it.
Twenty years ago I converted to Hinduism and immediately started with the exploration of my new religion by communicating with hundreds of Hindus all over the world.
Now I think that karma was developed by Hindu women long ago in ancient India, because it looks like a female way to deal with setbacks, tortures, rapes and other pains of life experiences.
Even Muslim women have some sort of karmical logic in their mind and that is interesting to investigate.
It is logical to believe that bad actions will always lead to bad things in future or even to big disasters in your own life.
Karma is based on the endless action and reactions chains in your life.
If you do A now, then B will follow, and then you will do C and that goes on and on till infinity or till the next lives.
It does sound logical to a mathematician as me.
Karmical information can influence your future.
Practical examples of karma The American pilot who threw the first atomic bombs on the Japanese cities in 1945 killing almost 200.
000 humans at once committed suicide afterwards, because he felt guilty.
Judicially he was not guilty because he followed orders from the President of America, as an ordinary American soldier, but he was the guy who pressed the button to throw the devil's bomb.
He did it and his karma became bad.
But what about the collective karma of the United States of America? Since 1945 many babies were born with mysterious diseases in this country and it is possible that all those 200.
000 Japanese souls have been reincarnating in American families as sick babies, to punish the Americans.
Nobody on earth can proof that this statement is completely false, but I cannot proof even that it is true.
Fact is that since 1945 more than 200.
000 babies were born in the United States of America with mysterious diseases, just as caused by radiation illness in past lives.
Is this the proof of karma? Metaphysics of karma Karma is some sort of natural law in metaphysics related to living creatures.
Karmical information can influence things in the present or future.
It is some sort of life directional vector in the present, which is influencing the next ten seconds of the living creature.
Just think about a hurricane.
Nowadays it is possible to predict the speed and direction vectors of hurricanes, by using supercomputers which can crack the million gigabytes of data inputs from weather stations and satellites all over the world.
This fascination process is one of the wonders of computing science and mathematics.
But in theory the same can be done to compute the karma vector of the present.
Then it is possible to know if you will lead a good life during the next ten seconds, maybe if it is your lucky day by occasionally winning the lottery or if you will become sick.
Theoretically it is possible to compute or estimate the present karma of our globalised world and that's really something to cry loudly about.
Our global karma is very bad, maybe whole humanity is doomed.
Who wants to do this with his own global information, easily available on billions of website, through some kind of super global karmical software program and calculate the global karma vector, which could certainly lead to a doomed future, if the program analyses all Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMD) and all possible wars based on religious hatred among nations and people.
I wonder if this is what the million gods of all the faiths and religions ever desired when they decided to put us on this blue planet in the Solar system.
Is there any holy book with this information or must some human write one himself? My book 'Koran: Forbid or Rewrite?' is just my karmical software program and I hope to prevent a doomed future for mankind with it.
It is up to mankind what to decide this year.
I did my duty as a devotee of Altecrea (Almighty Technical Creator, developed by me in 1993).
Globalisation creates a mankind that will cooperate and I believe that their collective awareness, knowledge level and intelligence will also increase, so this is my hope for a positive global karma vector to the future and it is our first duty to do it our self.
We must act now if we want to change ourselves and our world for the benefit of every creature, even the non-humans.
We must feel responsible I think and this is our karma.
Karma is doing things yourself with knowledge you have, alone or with all creatures on your planet or on our hi tech internet, just like was written long ago in ancient books of the Hindu/ Vedic civilization: Our actions are our duties and with perfect knowledge the reactions will make yourself and your society better and sattvic (pure, divine, with knowledge).
Anyone of any faith must learn from the first holy books on our planet, which were revealed by rishi's and yogi's as sruti literature, without earning any rupee for it in ancient India.
Don't say I am not a Hindu, Indian or Vedical person, just think yourself about this and learn to grow mentally and spiritually to come closer to your own Gods or Goddesses in your own religion.
It is my dream when I sleep, that my version of my Hindu religion, designated as 'Dewanism' will bring unity, peace, positive energy, and bliss (ananda) among all faithful people on this planet of all versions of religion (Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, etc), even when my body will disappear and this literary darshan of me will stay behind.
Why do we humanoids only want to believe in Gods who learn us to hate other people? Please reconsider your holy books and take a good look at your own face in the mirror each morning to discover who you are and what your duties are in this advanced organic body, possibly designed for you especially by your own God, perhaps in its advanced quantum spaceship in heaven.
Discover your karmic mission today on this globalised planet and use Google to find better Gods or Goddesses on the other side of the world or maybe even on the Moon, Jupiter or Mars.
In a globalised world you have the legal democratic right to find your own deity or invent a new one, which is better, just as it did with you during the split second that the organic blueprint of your body was designed in the whomp of a fertile woman, as the zygote.
If God made us, why can't we make our own improved Gods to have a better life on our globalised world? This could be our real karma on our flat world.
And please, even if you are not Hindu or Vedical, consider these fin al statements of me: 1.
If your Gods or Goddesses (Allah, Jehovah, Buddha, Altecrea, Krishna, Hanuman etc millions more) help you to improve this world than he/she will give you a better life at once without having to die to start the eternal party, so reread your holy book and try to think how you can do things that make this world better, if this is not in your holy book, use Google to find a better one of another God, however the Gods are too poor to pay for an expensive internet connection in heaven, so you will never find their websites or email addresses.
Be selfish and think about this: 'If you work hard now to build a better world than you will also reincarnate in a better world after you will die, so you do it only for yourself, as an egoist, to have more pleasure in next bodies.
' Even make a legal testimony to get the money on your own bank account during your next life in a new body and ask your politicians to legalize it globally with special laws.
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