The two sides of life

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Life has two sides. One side drags humans into its core, into its lusts, into its desires and into its preoccupations. man has to live and survival becomes his first preoccupation. If man is motivated by basic needs such as physical needs of shleter and food, security needs, socila needs, of belonging to the flock of humanity, or the need for self-esteem, essential for his self respect and the need for self-actualization, realized through work, through achievement, then man becomes a slave to all these things.

Man is a slave to his self-interest. verything rotates around himself. Man has shifted the cntre of the universe from God to himelf. All ideologies and humanity movements assert his self-assertion side. He is so much concerned with his own self, being number one, that nothing else matters for him. So he becomes self-centered, and whatever altruists do like mother Theresa or Albert Schweitzer, they are self-centered. They are out to prove to others and to themselves that they can do extraordinary things for humanity but they serve their own selves at the heart of it.

All of us  and in one way or the other feel that we come first. Our ideas, our thoughts, our feelings , our perspectives, our actions are all self-centered. Thus man becomes his own lord and his own God. For this God All Mighty, the creator of man and his self-ineterest, takes second place. Everyone of us is concerned in advancing his own interests. Man is the first self-boaster, self-arrogant, self-glorifying and self-worshipping. We all are in love with ourselves.

This self-centeredness makes man tick in all ways. Man exploits all means to enhance his self-centeredness. He wants to be number one in everything. This is the underlying motivation for man to go in every direction to prove himself that he is above others in one way or the other.

When we meet someone we are automatically apt to make all we can to show oureselves to ourselves we are better in one way or the other. We compare and contrast ourselves with others, everyone, and then our ego pushes us to be better. We consider ourselves we are more intelligent, wiser, more handsom or pretty, more active, more ability to work out things and we feel we must make ourselves better than others.

This is the extreme end of everyone to make himself or herself feel better than others. man is by definition better than everybody else. This self centeredness and self-boasting drives us to act and think in ways to make ourselves better than others, better in our physique, our minds, our actions. All vehicles are good for such feelings. Power, wealth and status are the usual ways where humans ride above others. Sports, spirituality, skils in one field or another, makes us feel better than others. To be someone is the final index for such motivations.

Thus and in such vicious circle man remains pinned down to worldly gains and benefits. Humans are predominantly preoccupied with themselves, their lives and to advance ahead. Competetiveness is the result of such motivation. It is the mechanism of being better and aspiring to be better. We are immersed in this world and forget all together about God and the second world. After all there is no evidence for either. Science cannot prove God nor the second life.

The second side of life is the metaphysical side. man is provided with a mind and is faced with a universe, a living universe and is forced to confront this universe and finally he is forced to work out his own convictions before his death about his being and the being of the universe.

The universe becomes thus a vehicle for man's thoughts and man's own spiritual journey. we all undergo, and with different degrees, such feelings. We become at one time or another the mirror of the world and the mirror of our own reactions towards the universe, our life cycle, and our death. Death is an idea that most people postpone since they are concerned with their life and such thing would come in its time.

But we are not only mechanical robots who work and make sex and produce, make a family, buy things, watch TV and be amused in one way or another. We are also thoughtful humans and aspire to make sense of our lives, of our being and of our death.

The two sides of life are in opposite paradox and at the same time in complementarity. One side denounces the other yet one side affirms the other side.

We are creatures of atoms, put together in such a way to make us tick in the way we have to tick. But acknowledgement of such fact would harmonize the two sides and make us more useful to ourselves and to God. Recognition of an All Mighty creator would channelize and regulaize our lives in such a manner and make us more worthy and more human with equilibrium of personality and reactions balancing the one side with the other.

Read more about such themes in the Journal of direct democracy and God.
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