Walking With God Through Cyberspace: "E"-Vangelism 101

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Since he began this on-line ministry in 1999, Pastor Michael has broadcast nearly 700 messages and the number of eMail recipients has sky-rocketed.
Two million, three million each week? Including "forwards," no one really knows.
He's a one-finger typist (40WPM) - the last person many would have chosen to do this type of ministry.
During this time, he has spoken with scores of Christian people who had issues that needed to be addressed.
There have been Christians who were either entertaining feelings of guilt for not attending church or expressing great feelings of freedom in Christ ever since they LEFT organized church and wanted to share their enthusiasm.
Others wanted to talk with someone in authority on-line because their priest or minister was simply too busy or they had an issue they wanted to discuss that made them uncomfortable.
He has spoken with ministers and a priest who have wanted to air their secret sins and struggles and found speaking with him much easier than going to their superiors and thereby jeopardizing their jobs.
There have been those who were trapped in porn, extramarital and premarital sex as well as those in abusive relationships and abusive homes.
Several individuals said they had multiple personalities and were tired of everyone trying to cast demons out of them.
There were victims who suffered sex abuse as kids and people involved in Islam and Buddhism that had questions but feared persecution if they so much as hinted at their doubts regarding their faiths.
There have been several who threatened suicide, one of which started her conversation by writing, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill myself tonight..
" She continued to dialogue with Pastor Michael another three years.
Married women contemplating divorce have actually written to thank Michael for being the solitary voice that pleaded with them NOT to throw in the towel and found themselves happier than ever as God transformed their man.
On a number of occasions, he corresponded with individuals who wrote asking if he were a Prophet because he advised them in a way that they eventually saw God move.
No, Michael's not a Prophet.
Just a guy who knows God experientially and has learned His character and how He operates.
Across the pond, he been invited by pastors to speak at churches in England, India, Africa, Bolivia, Australia, Germany and points in between.
He's been told by many recipients of his broadcasts that they print his messages in newsletters.
Others say they use them as sermons in church or in home group meetings.
Others say they read them to prisoners as they minister in jails.
These days, a quick Google search reveals placement of his messages all over the World Wide Web.
Several people have reported that they forward the messages to hundreds of other friends, family and co-workers.
Not everybody loves what God has him doing.
Jesus said that, if He is lifted up, all men would be drawn to Him.
True, but some will come with torches, clubs and pitchforks! Michael's been booted off AOL - by Christian subscribers - nearly 20 times for sending"objectionable material.
" Praise reports and testimonies of miracles abound! He receives many testimonies of miraculous healings taking place, very few within church services but repeatedly where there were just a few believers together or at a Home Group.
There have even been parking lot miracles and breakroom manifestations of God.
Pastor Michael says, "I am constantly amazed at the level of Biblical knowledge my readers demonstrate.
Many recipients are ministers with "MDiv's" and are theologians.
Others are missionaries who have "seen it all" in the field and say a resounding "Amen!" to my more spooky-spiritual stuff.
" He said that he gets asked all the time what denomination he is affiliated with.
More often, it's questions such as, "Are you Baptist? Are you Church of Christ? Are you Catholic?" He respnds, "I guess that's because I said something that "sounds" familiar.
Those are probably the times I quote Jesus, I'm thinking, and it rings true to them.
" Pastor Michael said that he has actually been referred to by several Anglicans as "Father Michael" and has been scolded for referring to himself as "Pastor Michael.
" "I've gotten death threats and hate mail but they pale in comparison to the TONS of loving, encouraging letters from people whose lives have been touched by this labor of love.
" If you'd like to help him, just ask.
He can probably use the encouragement.
If you'd like to start an E-Ministry yourself, he will gladly give you pointers.
If you'd like, simply FORWARD the stuff he broadcasts.
Start by writing him and giving him your eMail address to add to his ministry database.
From that point, you'll start receiving his messages.
It's easy! The point is, God can use the Internet, too.
We already know Satan has found a use for it.
Become part of the solution.
Let him hear from you SOON! WHY PASTOR LEFT THE CHURCH "...
what a powerful article.
Mandatory reading for all complacent pastors!" - Shari W.
I have heard for a while that God is moving mightily over in the third world.
Soon it will be our turn.
" - Don C.
, Massachusetts TITHING YOUR MONEY: ARE YOU MAKING A GIVING? "I think this was a wonderful way of getting it across to the world about giving.
Keep up the good writings!" - Michelle H.
, Mother of three CULTS...
ARE YOU A PART OF ONE? "This is indeed a very well written and informative article.
You know I once read, when wanting to spot a counterfeit, study the ORIGINAL.
I have found that to be SO true..
Your article is great, it makes one think!" - Sharon M.
"Well Done! Practical and life-changing thoughts expressed.
" - Esther R.
the time of refreshing from His presence is here with us.
The veil is being torn off the faces of sincere seekers of the Truth who gather on `a set day` facing the front as if God is hidden somewhere on the pulpit, listening to the Herods of our own days.
Thanks for sharing this truth.
" - Wole O.
, Nigeria WHY I TURNED MY BACK ON RELIGION "Michael, WOW!" - Bessie F.
"I just wanted to say thank you for keeping it real.
I normally don't respond to things I read on the Internet (for safety reasons) BUT I COULDN'T let a good one go by.
" - Mr.
Singleton "Well, like all of your other articles, this one is great.
It takes a couple of times reading it - I gain more each time.
I am forwarding it to some people who would be "encouraged" by this...
Thank you and I pray that you have reached so many through this.
" - Diane W.
, Texas CHRISTIANITY - NOT A WHITE MAN'S RELIGION "I thoroughly enjoy reading Mike's article.
It was very insightful and gave me a lot to ponder on.
He's an excellent writer and would enjoy reading more of his articles.
Thanks Mike.
" - Gerrianne W.
, El Paso, TX "You did it again Mike!What an enlightening article!I sent it out to a bunch of my Christian friends including my dear black friend.
I hope everyone takes the time to read it and be similarly enlightened.
Keep up the great work!!" - Patti, Texas PRAYING CHURCH OR PLAYING CHURCH? "Awesome!" - Jim B.
, Kentucky SPEAKING OF SPEAKING IN TONGUES "Excellent, should be read by all Christians.
Let us reason together.
" - Myra D.
I think the sinner's prayer causes a lot of confusion.
" - Jodie H.
NOTHING JOYFUL ABOUT THE GAY LIFESTYLE "Well, (not that you need my approval) I think you handled the topic very well.
It's especially important (IMO) to emphasize (as you did, at least twice!) that homosexuality is no worse a sin than any other (including stuff some folks don't realize is a sin, like unbelief, unforgiveness, gossip).
Good job...
" - Teddi, California "I found this information very beneficial and thank you for taking your time to research and write about this.
I have often wondered how the 10% of the population could be homosexual.
In my years I've only come across one person that was homosexual and he chose it, his words, not mine.
Unfortunately he passed away a few years ago and it was AIDS related.
However, thanks again for writing it and I have forwarded this email as well.
" - Ashley SUICIDE IN THE CHURCH "Thank you so much for the information!!This will help me and several members of my family.
God Bless You for all you do.
" - Hallie, Indiana The Spirit of Islam: A Primer "I hope you know that, on the whole, I like the stuff you write.
It is refreshingly honest and free of churchy dogma.
' - Dave M.
, Australia IN GENERAL...
"Thank you for getting me more involved with the bible and helping me to understand so much more than I had in the past--You are doing a great job getting the word out--It is a very cool way to spread the word, through the Internet.
I have given my sister's address, in Wisconsin and my parents address, in Tennessee.
I hope they get as much out of your in sight as I do.
" - Jennifer D.
"I LOVE this!You're making it so scripturally clear!" - Sonja, California "Thanks for keeping me up to date and informed.
I read the article on women, it was excellent...
I always enjoy your articles.
I am going to be honest, your emails have always been a blessing.
I get a lot of ministry mail and online stuff that I cannot get to, sometimes I get backed up, but I always go back and read most of it.
Yours is one of the ones I never regret opening.
I feel like God is using you and always has been.
I missed you terribly when you were away for that time, because of that problem with email etc.
I am glad you are back on and sending me articles.
" - Gladys B.
, Mississippi "I just wanted to tell you that it is so comforting to have a man who communicates with millions of e-mail users all over the world, be a man also who is completely in love with the Lord Jesus.
I recognize this, not by your frequent use of scripture, but they way who truly and correctly interpret the true character of Jesus when you write, interpreting the scripture as it was meant to be.
I pray that you would continue to give all your heart to this ministry until God call you elsewhere or calls you home!" - Matthew R.
, Texas "I thank God that you have the courage to step "outside the box" of religiosity (like Jesus did) even if you have to take a whipping for it (like Jesus did).
those who worship the institution instead of the institutor tend to stick their fingers in their ears and say "I can't hear you" when you teach outside their "doctrines of men".
Love ya, brother Mike!" - Lori B.
, Texas "That's just amazing.
We're Catholic...
It's really nice to read there are other people out there that have educated opinions about religion.
I just thought I'd say thanks again for what you said, it meant a lot to us.
" - Ben C.
, Texas PLEASE PRAY AND CONSIDER HOW YOU CAN HELP! Every blessing! Now, FORWARD the message! Writ Pastor Michael at team1mimin@aol.
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