Ovarian Cysts Symptoms, Causes and Effective Natural Treatment
It is known to everyone that every woman is having two ovaries each of them releases egg covered in a sac like structure called follicle.
Woman undergoes monthly period if the egg is not fertilized.
When the follicle doesn't burst and does not release the egg in that cases the cysts is formed from the fluid.
Usually these cysts are harmless and after some period they disappear of their own.
But if someone one is having irregular period and pain and swelling in the abdomen than immediately contact your doctor.
Various causes are there to have ovarian cysts - 1.
Benign and cancerous tumors.
Due to enlargement of the follicle when the egg is not released during the menstrual cycle.
Due to occurrence of endometriosis in the area of the ovary.
After the release of an egg the tissue which is left known as corpus luteum.
If this tissue doesn't breakdown as usual then it fills with blood or other fluid and gives birth to ovarian cysts.
When there is a growth of tissue from other parts of the body on the ovaries.
Various important symptoms of ovarian cysts - 1.
Increase in weight 2.
Breast tenderness 3.
Vomiting and nausea 4.
Vaginal spotting or pain 5.
Infertility 6.
While urinating or bowel movements feeling of pressure or pain 7.
During sexual intercourse pain in pelvic 8.
After doing exercises pain in the pelvic area 9.
Irregular or even absent menstrual period 10.
During menstrual period feeling of pelvic pain 11.
In the pelvis or lower abdomen a sensation of fullness or pressure 12.
When there is a rupture of ovarian cysts then it will give rise to severe sudden pain Though there are not much natural treatments for the ovarian cysts but we can apply some of the treatments to get rid from ovarian cysts.
It is necessary to consult your doctor before applying any remedy.
It is necessary to exercise daily as it will boost our immune system and gives a general overhaul to all the internal system of our body.
Make a habit of taking Echinacea every day as it will help considerably in reducing the problem.
Indian gooseberry is also an alternative to this.
You can also take Indian gooseberry as it is rich in vitamin C.
To improve the immunity system the most important ingredient is vitamin C.
use of some herbs are also very effective.
It is said that the woman eating more cheese and meat have more tendency to develop ovarian cysts so it must be avoided.
It is recommended that the woman suffering from ovarian cysts must take plenty of fruits and vegetables and eat less sugar and white flour.
Woman undergoes monthly period if the egg is not fertilized.
When the follicle doesn't burst and does not release the egg in that cases the cysts is formed from the fluid.
Usually these cysts are harmless and after some period they disappear of their own.
But if someone one is having irregular period and pain and swelling in the abdomen than immediately contact your doctor.
Various causes are there to have ovarian cysts - 1.
Benign and cancerous tumors.
Due to enlargement of the follicle when the egg is not released during the menstrual cycle.
Due to occurrence of endometriosis in the area of the ovary.
After the release of an egg the tissue which is left known as corpus luteum.
If this tissue doesn't breakdown as usual then it fills with blood or other fluid and gives birth to ovarian cysts.
When there is a growth of tissue from other parts of the body on the ovaries.
Various important symptoms of ovarian cysts - 1.
Increase in weight 2.
Breast tenderness 3.
Vomiting and nausea 4.
Vaginal spotting or pain 5.
Infertility 6.
While urinating or bowel movements feeling of pressure or pain 7.
During sexual intercourse pain in pelvic 8.
After doing exercises pain in the pelvic area 9.
Irregular or even absent menstrual period 10.
During menstrual period feeling of pelvic pain 11.
In the pelvis or lower abdomen a sensation of fullness or pressure 12.
When there is a rupture of ovarian cysts then it will give rise to severe sudden pain Though there are not much natural treatments for the ovarian cysts but we can apply some of the treatments to get rid from ovarian cysts.
It is necessary to consult your doctor before applying any remedy.
It is necessary to exercise daily as it will boost our immune system and gives a general overhaul to all the internal system of our body.
Make a habit of taking Echinacea every day as it will help considerably in reducing the problem.
Indian gooseberry is also an alternative to this.
You can also take Indian gooseberry as it is rich in vitamin C.
To improve the immunity system the most important ingredient is vitamin C.
use of some herbs are also very effective.
It is said that the woman eating more cheese and meat have more tendency to develop ovarian cysts so it must be avoided.
It is recommended that the woman suffering from ovarian cysts must take plenty of fruits and vegetables and eat less sugar and white flour.