The Best Flea & Tick Yard Spray
- Treating both pets and the yard are the best ways to control pests.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Two flea and tick yard sprays that meet Environmental Protection Agency guidelines and have been proven effective are Adams Flea & Tick Yard Spray and Vet's Best Natural Flea & Tick Yard & Kennel Spray. The active ingredient in the Adams spray is permethrin, which is highly toxic but approved in the concentration found in this spray. Vet's Best Natural Flea & Tick Yard & Kennel Spray contains no toxic chemicals, and its active ingredients include peppermint oil and sodium lauryl sulfate. Regardless of the spray you use, you should treat all of your pets because the combination of both animal and yard treatment is the most effective way to fight ticks and fleas. - Be aware of which pesticides have been banned by the EPA.Hemera Technologies/ Images
The EPA has banned the pesticide Dursban for use in yard sprays. However, much of the information on the Internet about flea and tick prevention still mentions it. Even university extension materials recommend the use of Dursban to regulate flea populations around the home and in the yard. Be sure to check the dates of reference materials when you are looking for information on pesticides for use outdoors. - Free range chickens and guinea fowl will eat large numbers of ticks.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Natural alternatives to the use of commercially produced flea and tick sprays are available. If you live in the country, consider having guineas or free-range chickens who will drastically reduce the number of ticks in your yard, according to Mother Earth News. The Guinea Fowl Breeders Association reports that 65 percent of its members have noticed radical declines in tick populations after they began keeping guineas, the magazine reported. Another alternative is to use nematodes, naturally occurring micro-organisms that feed on fleas. Insects can build up a resistance to pesticides, but not to nematodes. - Follow product directions for any pesticide sprays used in your yard.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Flea and tick yard sprays can be used effectively without hurting the environment, pets or people. The key is to carefully follow the directions. Pesticides should never be poured into drains or toilets. Most sprays have very specific instructions for how to dilute the liquid with water and how to dispose of any residue.
Adams and Vet's Best
Dursban Caution
Environmentally Friendly Choices
Following Pesticide Directions