How to Send Christmas Cards & Gifts to the UK
- 1). Check the Royal Mail's list of prohibited items. Before you purchase your gifts, you should check that it's OK to send them to the U.K. For the most part, the forbidden items are simply dangerous substances, but you should take note that you may not be able to send perfume, pornography or perishable items.
- 2). Wrap the Christmas presents in Christmas wrapping paper. This ensures that the recipient doesn't accidentally ruin the surprise before Christmas Day.
- 3). Write out the Christmas card. You may want to include a short letter updating your friends and family about the recent events of the year. Many people write a similar letter and print copies to include with each Christmas card. Another idea is to include a family photo.
- 4). Place the gifts in a shipping box. If you're going to use the flat rate service at the USPS, then be sure to use the special flat rate box. All items should fit snugly in the box to avoid shifting while shipping. If there are empty spaces, fill them up with packing peanuts or newspapers. To save money, include the card when you pack the box. Otherwise, you'll have to spend additional money on postage.
- 5). Securely tape the box closed using packing tape.
- 6). Address the items to your recipient. The address should include the recipient's name, street address, town, postal code and the country. If the card is separate, you'll have to address both the card and the box.
- 7). Fill out the customs form at the post office. You'll have to submit a customs form describing the contents of the box. If you don't want to ruin the surprise of the gift, you can be somewhat vague in your description by saying "clothes" or "toys." If you're not sure what forms to fill out, a postal worker can help you.
- 8). Choose a shipping option. Take the package and card to the postal worker. She will tell you your options and the cost for each. It costs more money to send it faster.