Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy - james sameul
Pregnancy is an entirely differing experience for every woman and so they are signs and symptoms. The Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms vary from woman to woman. But, the most common symptom in all is delayed or missed period. Some may experience the Pregnancy symptoms as early as within a week of conception, some may experience it later and few may not experience any, at all. Even before you missed period or you do home pregnancy test you may suspect the pregnancy by considering these early symptoms which might appearing soon after conception.
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness can begin as early as 2 to 4 weeks after conception. The term morning sickness is something of a misnomer, as you can experience the nausea and vomiting throughout the day. Morning sickness typically is worst during the first trimester, and most pregnant women will have their morning sickness symptoms lessen or subside completely during the second or third trimester.
Breast Changes
Breast tenderness usually begins around 3 to 4 weeks after conception. This can also be a sign of your impending period. Usually the degree of breast tenderness is much stronger with pregnancy than with your period. You may also notice a slight tingling sensation.
Another classic early pregnancy symptom is the nausea and in some cases, vomiting associated with morning sickness. A woman suffering with morning sickness may suddenly experience severe nausea and aversion to foods and smells that previously had no effect on her. Morning sickness, which can occur at any time of the night or day, typically affects women approximately 2-8 weeks after conception. A bout of severe nausea or vomiting can also be attributed to food poisoning as well, so if there is a sudden onset of nausea which resolves within a couple of days, it was likely a simple stomach bug rather than an early pregnancy symptom.
Frequent Urination
Can begin six weeks after conception. During pregnancy, the amount of blood and other fluids in your body will increase. Once the extra fluid is processed, it ends up in your bladder and the next thing you know, you're running for the bathroom every 10 minutes. The bad news is, as the baby continues to grow, it will start to push on your bladder and that will mean more frequent trips to the washroom for the rest of your pregnancy.
Later Signs of Teen Pregnancy
As a pregnancy progresses, the signs and symptoms become more pronounced and harder for teens to miss. Some of these pregnancy signs include:
an enlargement of the abdomen
weight gain or loss
aches such as backaches or headaches
During the second trimester, most of these early symptoms of pregnancy will disappear or at least lessen. Many women enjoy this second pregnancy stage immensely, as energy levels return and that early nausea usually disappears. There are a few new symptoms that can pop up at this point that are very common. Emotionally, you may experience many ups and downs, and go from happy and excited to overwhelmed and in tears in a matter of seconds. You may begin having Braxton-Hicks contractions, preparing your body for labor. Dizziness, leg cramps, and heartburn are also common occurrences in the middle of pregnancy. While these symptoms are not generally cause for concern, always keep your doctor informed as to what has been happening with you to prevent major issues.
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness can begin as early as 2 to 4 weeks after conception. The term morning sickness is something of a misnomer, as you can experience the nausea and vomiting throughout the day. Morning sickness typically is worst during the first trimester, and most pregnant women will have their morning sickness symptoms lessen or subside completely during the second or third trimester.
Breast Changes
Breast tenderness usually begins around 3 to 4 weeks after conception. This can also be a sign of your impending period. Usually the degree of breast tenderness is much stronger with pregnancy than with your period. You may also notice a slight tingling sensation.
Another classic early pregnancy symptom is the nausea and in some cases, vomiting associated with morning sickness. A woman suffering with morning sickness may suddenly experience severe nausea and aversion to foods and smells that previously had no effect on her. Morning sickness, which can occur at any time of the night or day, typically affects women approximately 2-8 weeks after conception. A bout of severe nausea or vomiting can also be attributed to food poisoning as well, so if there is a sudden onset of nausea which resolves within a couple of days, it was likely a simple stomach bug rather than an early pregnancy symptom.
Frequent Urination
Can begin six weeks after conception. During pregnancy, the amount of blood and other fluids in your body will increase. Once the extra fluid is processed, it ends up in your bladder and the next thing you know, you're running for the bathroom every 10 minutes. The bad news is, as the baby continues to grow, it will start to push on your bladder and that will mean more frequent trips to the washroom for the rest of your pregnancy.
Later Signs of Teen Pregnancy
As a pregnancy progresses, the signs and symptoms become more pronounced and harder for teens to miss. Some of these pregnancy signs include:
an enlargement of the abdomen
weight gain or loss
aches such as backaches or headaches
During the second trimester, most of these early symptoms of pregnancy will disappear or at least lessen. Many women enjoy this second pregnancy stage immensely, as energy levels return and that early nausea usually disappears. There are a few new symptoms that can pop up at this point that are very common. Emotionally, you may experience many ups and downs, and go from happy and excited to overwhelmed and in tears in a matter of seconds. You may begin having Braxton-Hicks contractions, preparing your body for labor. Dizziness, leg cramps, and heartburn are also common occurrences in the middle of pregnancy. While these symptoms are not generally cause for concern, always keep your doctor informed as to what has been happening with you to prevent major issues.