Moon In Leo & Saturn Uranus Opposition & Venus Neptune Opposition Are The Highlights Of The Day
The position of the Moon in the Lunar astrology is always setting the emotional tone for the two and a half days she is in one astrological sign per month. Following the Moon positions with awareness gives us options and choices for our life. Instead of just reacting to outer circumstances and promptings we can attune ourselves with the time quality of the moment and move in harmony with that flow.
Moon in Leo
After the Moon passed through Cancer with heightened sensitivity and focus onto our own little world and family, we are now nourished and ready to step into the world, show up with who we are. Leo is the sign of the kings and queens, the rulers of the world, of people who are willing to step into their power and express their own creative individuality. Leo people are generous with their affections and love to play. The heart is the seat of love and being the middle chakra between the three upper and three lower ones, it is attributed to the sign of Leo. It is the heart where we balance ourselves. Without love and the sense of connectedness there is no joy or happiness. Love is a basic need! If babies are not touched and hold with love, they will die. The level of opening of our heart is directly related to the level of joy we are able to feel.
I often hear from singles that they long for a loving partner in their live and there is great suffering in missing one. The significance of love in our life is obvious. So what can we do if we do not have the fulfillment of such a relationship?
Love is Guiding You
With Moon in Leo we have the strong support of courageously daring to expose ourselves in new ways. We can find new ways to be the love we are longing for. We can pray to find unlimited ways to be love, give love, do loving things and let love be the guiding force for decisions in our life. Whenever we are faced with a difficult decision we can ask ourselves the question what would love do? This is a whole new platform to live your life from. I want to invite you for at least these three days to do this and watch what is happening in your life.
I promise you if you keep doing this, you will find that partner you are longing for and it will change the quality of the relationship you are in.
Flowering of the Heart
When the heart is opening, the intelligence of the heart is guiding the mind into proper actions and will create a joyful and successful life. We have been deeply conditioned with consumerism as a way to get joy and happiness and we think it will come from that thing we are yearning for. With all the economical challenges we are experiencing we better learn to find success and joy in different and new ways.
In my travels in India I was always amazed to see that so many people seemed to be much happier then in the western world. I saw women sitting in the dirt at the side of the street in Kerala hammering stones into smaller pieces for road building all day long and they had a smile on their face, waving to me.
The flowering of the heart aligns the mind and raises our state of consciousness. Waking up to our highest potential or self realization is centered on the flowering of the heart into a perception of oneness. We all had moments of experience with that. We know enough to be moved towards deepening that experience.
Exact Saturn Uranus Opposition on Tuesday
This Saturn Uranus Opposition will last in its impact for this whole week. We have talked about this connection before and commented on the radical changes of structures in society in general, in the government and the economy. We are living in times of big changes and astrology is one way of finding meaning and alignment in it.
The Saturn/ Uranus opposition is one of the culprits for the changes we feel have been forced on us. There will be 5 oppositions with these two planets with the last one in 2015. The first one started off with a bang on September 15, 2008 and it was also in square to Pluto and accompanied by a Full Moon. Our economy started cycling down the drain and revealed long inherent problems. Also the presidential election was under the influence of these two, paving the way for a historical change and hope for true leadership, electing the first president of color in this country. The need for change was so obvious and the hope for a better future high. There was a global celebration around the planet testifying to new faith and hope for a better future. Let us have a look at both planets and what they represent! Read more on my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog. You can find it through the search box under Saturn Uranus opposition.
Venus Neptune Opposition
Venus, the Goddess of Love and Neptune, the Mystical Dreamer are firing each other up with this opposition. The shadow side and challenge in this connection is the tendency to project our ideals and dreams onto somebody without discrimination of accuracy. We might just perceive what we want to see instead of the reality of that person. That might end in the feeling of betrayal and disappointment down the road when disillusion happens.
But the beautiful potential of this connection is an enhancement in the area of relationship and deepening of our ability to love and open our hearts as we discussed above. Unconditional love has to begin within ourselves, learning to let go resistance and self hate. Allowing the present moment with what I, can be learned and practiced. If you have childhood trauma and wounds like most of us, some inner work needs to be done to heal and nourish the heart. Spiritual oriented therapy might help you in that process. You can also invite grace into your life through prayers, with an Oneness Blessing or you can meditate and balance your heart with the healing frequency of gemstones.
Self-Love and Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is one of the most feminine, gentlest stones for the heart and has a very sweet energy. It is very nourishing for all themes related to the heart. The unconditional love of the archetypal mother is conveyed in its touch and establishes our own ability to love ourselves as who we are without judgment or self criticizing.
Its astrological signature is that of Moon, Venus, Mars and Neptune. You can see why it will be a good stone for this time quality for the Venus opposition Neptune. The astrological signature of a stone is created by the color, chemical composition and crystal structure a stone has. It will then be like a homeopathic remedy and energy pattern that vibrates harmoniously in a specific planetary frequency and can help alignment with it.
The goddess Venus adds a sense of value and self appreciation to the self love which is both the foundation for our ability to love others. Love is a state of consciousness which starts inside of us and when it is achieved, all out there is loved as well. It deepens our awareness for the oneness of spirit and the divine we are all part of.
I think we all need to have Rose Quartz in our life. I have a big chunk of it with my orchid flower and it makes a beautiful still life! And sometimes I take a tumbled stone with me to bed, having it under my pillow for a good night sleep.
If you liked my astrological ramblings I invite you to find more on my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog for a regular update on the universal flow in the heavens. I hope you enjoyed reading about the Rose Quartz which is a very beautiful gem to help the flowering of the heart.
As you can tell I am very passionate about the abilities of the healing gemstones as healing agents for our journey. I have even written a book about it and the connection with astrology: Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul. In my book I teach you how to read a chart and recognize your main subjects and challenges. If you know where your challenge and friction is, you can then take steps to support or balance yourself with gemstones, if that is something that appeals to you.
I hope you enjoyed my article, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author
Moon in Leo
After the Moon passed through Cancer with heightened sensitivity and focus onto our own little world and family, we are now nourished and ready to step into the world, show up with who we are. Leo is the sign of the kings and queens, the rulers of the world, of people who are willing to step into their power and express their own creative individuality. Leo people are generous with their affections and love to play. The heart is the seat of love and being the middle chakra between the three upper and three lower ones, it is attributed to the sign of Leo. It is the heart where we balance ourselves. Without love and the sense of connectedness there is no joy or happiness. Love is a basic need! If babies are not touched and hold with love, they will die. The level of opening of our heart is directly related to the level of joy we are able to feel.
I often hear from singles that they long for a loving partner in their live and there is great suffering in missing one. The significance of love in our life is obvious. So what can we do if we do not have the fulfillment of such a relationship?
Love is Guiding You
With Moon in Leo we have the strong support of courageously daring to expose ourselves in new ways. We can find new ways to be the love we are longing for. We can pray to find unlimited ways to be love, give love, do loving things and let love be the guiding force for decisions in our life. Whenever we are faced with a difficult decision we can ask ourselves the question what would love do? This is a whole new platform to live your life from. I want to invite you for at least these three days to do this and watch what is happening in your life.
I promise you if you keep doing this, you will find that partner you are longing for and it will change the quality of the relationship you are in.
Flowering of the Heart
When the heart is opening, the intelligence of the heart is guiding the mind into proper actions and will create a joyful and successful life. We have been deeply conditioned with consumerism as a way to get joy and happiness and we think it will come from that thing we are yearning for. With all the economical challenges we are experiencing we better learn to find success and joy in different and new ways.
In my travels in India I was always amazed to see that so many people seemed to be much happier then in the western world. I saw women sitting in the dirt at the side of the street in Kerala hammering stones into smaller pieces for road building all day long and they had a smile on their face, waving to me.
The flowering of the heart aligns the mind and raises our state of consciousness. Waking up to our highest potential or self realization is centered on the flowering of the heart into a perception of oneness. We all had moments of experience with that. We know enough to be moved towards deepening that experience.
Exact Saturn Uranus Opposition on Tuesday
This Saturn Uranus Opposition will last in its impact for this whole week. We have talked about this connection before and commented on the radical changes of structures in society in general, in the government and the economy. We are living in times of big changes and astrology is one way of finding meaning and alignment in it.
The Saturn/ Uranus opposition is one of the culprits for the changes we feel have been forced on us. There will be 5 oppositions with these two planets with the last one in 2015. The first one started off with a bang on September 15, 2008 and it was also in square to Pluto and accompanied by a Full Moon. Our economy started cycling down the drain and revealed long inherent problems. Also the presidential election was under the influence of these two, paving the way for a historical change and hope for true leadership, electing the first president of color in this country. The need for change was so obvious and the hope for a better future high. There was a global celebration around the planet testifying to new faith and hope for a better future. Let us have a look at both planets and what they represent! Read more on my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog. You can find it through the search box under Saturn Uranus opposition.
Venus Neptune Opposition
Venus, the Goddess of Love and Neptune, the Mystical Dreamer are firing each other up with this opposition. The shadow side and challenge in this connection is the tendency to project our ideals and dreams onto somebody without discrimination of accuracy. We might just perceive what we want to see instead of the reality of that person. That might end in the feeling of betrayal and disappointment down the road when disillusion happens.
But the beautiful potential of this connection is an enhancement in the area of relationship and deepening of our ability to love and open our hearts as we discussed above. Unconditional love has to begin within ourselves, learning to let go resistance and self hate. Allowing the present moment with what I, can be learned and practiced. If you have childhood trauma and wounds like most of us, some inner work needs to be done to heal and nourish the heart. Spiritual oriented therapy might help you in that process. You can also invite grace into your life through prayers, with an Oneness Blessing or you can meditate and balance your heart with the healing frequency of gemstones.
Self-Love and Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is one of the most feminine, gentlest stones for the heart and has a very sweet energy. It is very nourishing for all themes related to the heart. The unconditional love of the archetypal mother is conveyed in its touch and establishes our own ability to love ourselves as who we are without judgment or self criticizing.
Its astrological signature is that of Moon, Venus, Mars and Neptune. You can see why it will be a good stone for this time quality for the Venus opposition Neptune. The astrological signature of a stone is created by the color, chemical composition and crystal structure a stone has. It will then be like a homeopathic remedy and energy pattern that vibrates harmoniously in a specific planetary frequency and can help alignment with it.
The goddess Venus adds a sense of value and self appreciation to the self love which is both the foundation for our ability to love others. Love is a state of consciousness which starts inside of us and when it is achieved, all out there is loved as well. It deepens our awareness for the oneness of spirit and the divine we are all part of.
I think we all need to have Rose Quartz in our life. I have a big chunk of it with my orchid flower and it makes a beautiful still life! And sometimes I take a tumbled stone with me to bed, having it under my pillow for a good night sleep.
If you liked my astrological ramblings I invite you to find more on my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog for a regular update on the universal flow in the heavens. I hope you enjoyed reading about the Rose Quartz which is a very beautiful gem to help the flowering of the heart.
As you can tell I am very passionate about the abilities of the healing gemstones as healing agents for our journey. I have even written a book about it and the connection with astrology: Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul. In my book I teach you how to read a chart and recognize your main subjects and challenges. If you know where your challenge and friction is, you can then take steps to support or balance yourself with gemstones, if that is something that appeals to you.
I hope you enjoyed my article, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author