Year of the Dragon

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The 23rd of January 2012 begins the Chinese New Year.
This year it's the Year of the Dragon, with all its panache and drama.
Last year, February 3rd 2011 to January 22nd 2012, was the Year of the Hare.
Hare years are reputed to be peaceful, with the focus on diplomacy, cooperation and culture.
However, as you may have noticed, when the Hare energy is roused there are extremes in behaviour and events.
Many of the revolutions that changed the political face of the Middle East were peaceful and people led, but those that met powerful opposition such as that in Libya got very nasty indeed.
Hares are timid, but when they're caught or cornered, they kick and bite! In the UK, the recession tended to bring people together, raising awareness of the environment and the need for community action - all the result of the Year of the Hare.
Despite a few squabbles the coalition between the Conservative party and Liberal Democrats held itself together - Hare politics.
The Year of the Dragon will be one of change.
Politically, particularly in the middle east and far east, there will be flashpoints of trouble and unrest, and reprisals.
In the UK, the recession will continue but there will be growing anger and discontent, with war between the political parties as a result.
The Dragon will set some of the money men against the government, and there could be a reprise of 2011's inner city violence.
Statistically 2011 featured more natural disasters than any year to date.
There's more coming in 2012, but to the disappointment of those who follow the Mayan calendar with its predictions of the end of the world, most us will still be here at the end of the year.
The Dragon year will focus on sabre rattling between nations and rents in organisations like the United Nations and European Union.
On the positive side, there will be scientific breakthroughs, startling archaeological discoveries, some desirable new technologies and many records broken on the sports fields of the world.
For you as an individual, the Hare year may have been one of financial and career ups and downs, but the Dragon year will be one of extreme ups and extreme downs.
If you want to survive, keep your nose to the grindstone and be careful with your money.
It is a time for individual effort and focusing your attention on where you are going and making things happen.
Put some energy into the year and it will pay dividends.
Some people will do really well, while others will struggle.
Competition will be fierce.
Everything is magnified in the Year of the Dragon.
If your interest spheres include the arts or media, you will make significant breakthroughs, but only if you express what you feel and promote yourself energetically.
Those of you who are spiritually inclined will progress in fits and starts.
Keep your eyes on your goals and don't give up.
Many people will be empowered to sort out relationship issues and stand up for themselves if they're being bullied or undermined.
At the very least you will find out what's happening and where you're going emotionally.
Your keywords for the Year of the Dragon are: boldness, courage, communication, patience and endurance.
Whatever's happening in your life, keep going forwards.
If there is one thing the Dragon energy respects it is dogged determination.
It is not a year in which to be lazy, unfocused, fickle or negative.
If you let a challenge stand in your way or turn down a struggle, you'll get nowhere.
Be strong and be yourself.
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