Having Sleep Apnea? Is Your Diet the Cause of You Snoring at Night?
Now you may have read much about how sleep apnea is one reason for snoring.
This is due to congestion to the air way.
You may think that it is due to the structure of your bone and muscles.
There is one component which are seldom mentioned as the cause of snoring - that is the food that you eat.
We are what we eat, there is truth in this saying.
Before jumping to conclusion, why don't you test this out? It only takes 2 - 3 weeks of experiment.
To start with, avoid all dairy food 4 hours before sleep.
That is take out the cheese, butter, ice cream etc from your dinner.
Then, avoid other mucus producing food which includes wheat and eggs.
It is also important to avoid food that you are allergic to as they cause inflammation in the stomach and therefore narrowed the air way.
Next, eliminate fatty food - all kind of red meat.
Instead have servings of white meat like fish and chicken or other protein substitute e.
Soy products like tofu.
During this period,do not take fried, grilled, baked food for dinner.
It is OK to have stir fried and steam food.
Avoid sedatives like alcohol and sleeping pills especially hours before you sleep.
Some people have the idea that alcohol helps to make them sleep better.
In fact, alcohol tends to upset your sleep and prevent you from going into deep sleep.
It is one factor which causes sleep apnea.
It is not only the types of food, the portion itself also affects the quality of your sleep.
Reduce your serving for dinner.
A famous adage for healthy eating is "To have breakfast like a king, to have lunch like a prince and to have dinner like a pauper.
" You don't have to starve yourself, just don't overeat.
If you eat until you feel bloated or find it difficult to move, that's too much! Another good guideline is to eat until 80% full and to drink water to fill up the rest of your stomach! For this to work, you will need the help of your partner.
Get feedback from them on whether you snore more or less.
On you part, get to know how you feel during the day.
Are you feeling less sleepy or more? It is important for you to keep a chronicle indicating how well it goes on daily basis.
From these 2 to 3 weeks of experiment, decide whether what you are eating is causing you and your partner a good night's rest.
If they are, then start make the change a permanent one.
It is crucial that if you are eliminating some food, to check with a doctor that you have enough of substitutes to get a balanced diet.
This is due to congestion to the air way.
You may think that it is due to the structure of your bone and muscles.
There is one component which are seldom mentioned as the cause of snoring - that is the food that you eat.
We are what we eat, there is truth in this saying.
Before jumping to conclusion, why don't you test this out? It only takes 2 - 3 weeks of experiment.
To start with, avoid all dairy food 4 hours before sleep.
That is take out the cheese, butter, ice cream etc from your dinner.
Then, avoid other mucus producing food which includes wheat and eggs.
It is also important to avoid food that you are allergic to as they cause inflammation in the stomach and therefore narrowed the air way.
Next, eliminate fatty food - all kind of red meat.
Instead have servings of white meat like fish and chicken or other protein substitute e.
Soy products like tofu.
During this period,do not take fried, grilled, baked food for dinner.
It is OK to have stir fried and steam food.
Avoid sedatives like alcohol and sleeping pills especially hours before you sleep.
Some people have the idea that alcohol helps to make them sleep better.
In fact, alcohol tends to upset your sleep and prevent you from going into deep sleep.
It is one factor which causes sleep apnea.
It is not only the types of food, the portion itself also affects the quality of your sleep.
Reduce your serving for dinner.
A famous adage for healthy eating is "To have breakfast like a king, to have lunch like a prince and to have dinner like a pauper.
" You don't have to starve yourself, just don't overeat.
If you eat until you feel bloated or find it difficult to move, that's too much! Another good guideline is to eat until 80% full and to drink water to fill up the rest of your stomach! For this to work, you will need the help of your partner.
Get feedback from them on whether you snore more or less.
On you part, get to know how you feel during the day.
Are you feeling less sleepy or more? It is important for you to keep a chronicle indicating how well it goes on daily basis.
From these 2 to 3 weeks of experiment, decide whether what you are eating is causing you and your partner a good night's rest.
If they are, then start make the change a permanent one.
It is crucial that if you are eliminating some food, to check with a doctor that you have enough of substitutes to get a balanced diet.