What Is the Height of a Regulation Volleyball Net?
- To get the official height, you need to measure from the center of the net.
- Men's official net height is 7 feet, 11 5/8 inches. For women it is 7 feet 4 1/8 inches. Co-ed is played with a men's official height net.
- The sideline net height cannot be higher than 3/4 inch above the official height.
- If you are playing in the sand, measurements are from the level of raked sand and do not take into account any amount your feet may sink into the sand.
- If you are playing in the grass, measurements are not made from the top of the grass, but from the ground level.
- Court dimensions are based from the outside edges. Boundary lines are 29 feet 6 inches wide and 59 feet long. A clear area around the boundaries of at least 10 feet is preferred.
Placement of Measurement
Official Height
Sideline Height
Sand Play
Grass Play
The Court