How to Do Double Glazing on Windows
- 1). Scrape the old glazing off of the glass and window areas using a metal scraper. Use a heat gun to remove the glazing that is still sticking in place. Be careful not to bubble the paint by mistakenly holding the heat over any area too long.
- 2). Remove the glazing points. Glazing points are small metal pieces that are nestled into the wood that help hold the glass into place. Save any unbroken glazing points.
- 3). Remove the glass from the window frame. Scrape and sand the window frame to cleanse it of all old glazing. Prime the wood area to reseal the wood.
- 4). Allow the primer to dry thoroughly for several hours. Take some glazing in your hand and begin to rub it to warm it up. Roll the glazing into a long strip and then start at one corner pressing the glazing up against the glass (with the glass back in the frame). Re-insert the glazing points.
- 5). Use a putty knife to smooth out your glazing application. Start at one corner and even out the glazing that you have applied.
- 6). Repeat the glazing process on the other side of the window unit. Allow the glazing to dry for several days before resuming use of this window unit. Paint the window to finish the project.