What are the Downsides of Smoking?
- Smoking has several downsidessmoking image by Dozet from Fotolia.com
The downsides of smoking have been addressed in public health campaigns and given attention by schools, businesses and other public entities. Even celebrities have lent their voices to anti-smoking messages in order to reach teens and young adults in an effort to hopefully dissuade them from ever lighting up. There are several facets to this problem, the most important being health, social, and economic negative implications of smoking. - The number one downside to smoking is what it does to your health. Every time you take a puff of a cigarette you are inhaling toxins. Lung cancer, emphysema and various other respiratory illnesses are normally the end result of smoking for years. Many long time smokers end up dragging or carrying oxygen tanks with them by the end of their life or find themselves home-bound due to their illness. Inhalers are generally required to help smokers breathe. Smoking shortens lifespans and vastly decreases the quality of life of individuals that choose to undertake the risky behavior.
- While smoking has historically from generation to generation been considered a "cool" thing to do, especially for the young, its effects have been proven to be nothing but harmful for those that decide to take up smoking. One area that is affected relates to developing social relationships. Many people don't want to sit near a smoker since they are at risk of inhaling second hand smoke. You might even find that "that perfect someone" you've had your eye on and who previously seemed to be "in to you" quickly changes her tune once she discovers you're a smoker.
- There can be no mistake, smoking is an expensive habit to maintain. Since smoking becomes, for most, a profound craving that requires to be fed more and more frequently, its cost can in itself make life a great deal less enjoyable. Many smokers will go through one or more packs of cigarettes a day to sustain their nicotine craving, drawing from funds set aside for other needs or desires. Like any addiction smoking can become an albatross around the neck of a smoker, making them wish they had never picked up a cigarette. Quitting smoking can be very difficult because of the nicotine but there are options available if you are serious about breaking the smoking habit, such as gums or patches. A smoker should talk to his doctor about options, from medications to programs available, that can make quitting a bit more bearable and permanent.