Public Speaking - Tips to Overcome Nervousness
Worse still I suffered a head injury that left me with tinnitus and general anxiety disorder.
3 years ago I left all my speaking clubs and events I just couldn't face it.
In fact I had trouble leaving the house.
In my home one day I made a YouTube video which a promoter saw.
They asked me to speak in schools about NLP.
I was terrified but said yes.
It was always my dream to teach NLP in schools.
So I had to learn speaking all over again.
I put in my mind speaking to 40 people.
Less than a week later that happened.
Then I said 200 people would be nice.
and then 400 and now my record is 600 people audience as a keynote speaker.
What changed for me is going from a speaker trying to be like my mentors to speaking authentically from my heart warts and all! I realised mistakes are okay and it's okay to be vulnerable.
That turned me from an anxious robot speaker to and excited authentic inspirational speaker.
And all this is less than 6 months.
Here are my top 3 tips to being an authentic speaker...
1 Preparation Whenever I give a talk it never feels like it's the first time.
You see I have already rehearsed it in my mind many times.
Not the words but the energy the feeling and mainly the reception of the talk.
So like many people I may start off with some anxiety and that's good as long as your reframe it.
Hey if you didn't care why be anxious? So instead call it excitement! Whenever you bring to mind a talk or training or presentation just get excited.
Then feel grateful for the experience.
Now close your eyes put on some inspiring music and imagine being on the stage.
Try and be vivid like to the detail of flowers on the table the lights maybe a camera crew.
And all the time you are either smiling or conveying emotion and the audience is hanging on every word.
I've done this hundreds of times and I even see audience face smiling.
Then when I start talking and they smile it's like I am speaking to old friends.
I just expect it to go well! 2 Breathing In my experience probably the hardest thing to manage at the start is your breathing.
I start controlled breathing a few days before my presentation.
Just practice and you subconscious will get used to it.
So I use breathe in for count of 4 hold for 4 and slowly exhale for a count of 8.
Do this about 10 times.
Keep hydrated and avoid strong coffee and dairy cheese especially.
Go outside and practice your breathing and if you want try to lengthen the last exhale.
On the day of your talk start breathing in the audience or if you are at the side and on your journey to the venue.
Now as you start what sometimes happens is you forget to breathe or breathe hard and let too much out.
So instead look at your audience smile and sigh.
This is also a great way to create rapport.
I even get my audience to join in.
I feel better and so do they.
It activates connection energy too.
3 Motivation Whenever I get nervous or excited I always think about how far I have come on my journey.
I go big picture.
It's amazing when you consider the events that have led to you being on the stage and having the privilege to share.
It really is a privilege particularly with a big crowd.
It's just you up there and they are listening your every word.
For that talk may change lives and will certainly create a ripple effect in the universe.
My advice is enjoy it.
But also if you are religious or spiritual ask for help and support from whoever you feels looks after you.
Many professional speakers say a prayer including me.
Even if you don't believe in God it is a very powerful thing to do.
And it creates a powerful energy around you which then transfers to the audience.
Here is a sample prayer/affirmation I use before going on stage.
"Thank you God for this opportunity to share.
May I see my audience as fellow joyful souls on a journey.
May spirit and love flow through my words and actions.
I am loved and safe and so are my audience.
I wish them well and ask for higher guidance and inspiration throughout.
May their hearts and minds be opened and receptive for the good of all.
" Trevor is an inspirational speaker for UK schools and NLP trainer.
He helps Coaches NLP'ers Trainers and Consultants speak authentically and with charisma on stage and camera.
For Free Authentic speaker training go to the Inner Zest Website