How to Be a Guy for Halloween
- 1). Borrow an outfit from a guy in your life who is roughly the same size as you. If you can't find a suitable candidate, purchase an outfit in your size at your local thrift store.
- 2). Flatten your chest by wrapping it with an ace bandage, back brace or by wearing a compression shirt. Wearing a baggy shirt will also help create the illusion of having a flat chest.
- 3). Style your hair into a male hairstyle, such as parted or spiky hair, if your hair is already short. If you have long hair, pin it up underneath a guy's hat or wear a wig.
- 4). Apply fake stubble, facial hair or five o'clock shadow using makeup. Create an outline for the facial hair with an eyeliner pencil and darken the inside. Apply spirit gum or another type of skin-safe adhesive and let it dry for 20 seconds. Create fake hair by shaving pieces of crepe wool, burning the end of a cork, cutting up faux fur or trimming your own hair. Stick the hair to your face and carefully groom it using an eyelash brush.