Intention, Attention & Spiritual Growth

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Your spiritual growth depends heavily on the law of attraction. You bring into your life what you put your attention on so ideally you want to focus on spirituality information and let go of fear based thoughts.

As I got on the spiritual path my first order of business was to start working on my ego and I soon discovered that the more I was able to suppress my ego, the clearer life became to me. I finally started seeing the parts of life's puzzle start to come together for me.

As I started putting more attention on my newly found self-improvement, one of the most consistent messages that kept coming up time and time again was this idea that we bring into our reality what we put our attention on.

Intention and attention. Figure out what you desire, intention, and then start focusing on that, attention.

In this physical relative world, we place a lot of conscious and unconscious importance on this concept we call time. Time rules our lives here in the realm of the physical. You have twenty-four hours each day. They are yours to use as you please. Our sages and poets keep telling us not to waste time because, even though you and I know that we are eternal, we are stuck right now in a belief system that says we are going to physically die and leave our bodies sometime in the future.

So, the question becomes how will we choose to live our lives while we occupy this space and time? We have all had the experience of believing in the fear-based paradigm of separation. If you make the choice to experience the love-based paradigm of oneness, you must begin to make that your intention and then place your attention on that intention. You know how this works.

You want to reduce your exposure to fear-based thinking and increase your exposure to love-based thinking. The immutable law of attraction tells us that the more we put our attention, consciously or unconsciously, on one or the other that is what is going to show up in our lives. The more you are able to keep your attention focused on love based ideas, the more that would serve you to help shift your paradigm to one of love and oneness. That is your intention, isn't it?

Remember, we are talking about your life here. Focus your attention on you. Don't think about how other people think of you changing. Just be concerned with yourself. You can't change your world without seriously working on and loving yourself. In fact, that is the only way you can change your world.

That is the crux of what is going on here. You thinking about you. Do you get that? Do you understand the importance of that to yourself? Do you understand the importance of that to the world? We are all one. What you do for yourself, you do for all others. What you do for all others, you do for yourself. The world needs you right now.

It becomes a wonderful adventure when you wake up to yourself and wake up to love. So it is critical to your evolution that you put your intention on becoming who you, yourself, choose to be, and then it remains critical that you put your attention on your intention.

To do this, you have to take your attention away from all those things that distract you from your intention. My observations and my experiences tell me that it would serve you to stop listening to the news. My observation and my experience tells me that you should make a choice to turn off the news whenever you hear it on the television or the radio.

My observation and my experience is that you should not read the national or international news in the newspaper. Except for the funny pages, there is not a lot of news worth reading in the traditional corporate owned newspapers. There is always lots of fear but not a lot of unbiased reporting of actual events.

That is my observation and my experience of giving up the daily bombardment of information that is only designed to instill fear in my life is that I have served myself in a tremendous manner.

My challenge to you is to try it for a month and see if you like it. See if it serves you to give up all the lies and all the FEAR.
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